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Win 10 version upgrade possibe ?

Fabien Fuster 6 years ago in General 0

Hello Guys,

Silly question : currently my Grinnder is running under Win 10 enterprise 2015 LTSB. Any possibility to upgrade to vers 2016 LTSB ? I guess it would increase the system stability and protection...


Under review

Alexa and Global Cache to control IR devices

Pedro Juan Marza 6 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 1

I try to send global cache comads using Alexa but i can't send the order.

If someone know how to do it, I would really appreciate the help. The alexa display category and the reference ...

Image 1731

Under review

Digital clock

adir aharony 7 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 6 months ago 8

hi. Is there a way to show digital clock instead the default one.


Can I open any app (form,C# app) from boss client on windows pc

Rexhep Bunjaku 7 years ago in General updated by Fabien Fuster 7 years ago 1

Blu Ray Integration

Sneha V 7 years ago in General updated by Pedro Juan Marza 6 years ago 4


How can we integrate Sony Blu-Ray Player in Comfort Click?


licence is recoved

charis vlassakis 7 years ago in General updated by Fabien Fuster 7 years ago 2

Image 1356


Restrict user access to specific devices

Haya Altuwaijri 7 years ago in General updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago 1

1) How to restrict user access to specific devices?

Example: Parents have full access to their home automation system, a child only limited - to devices in his room.

2) Is there a way to know username who did specific action? 

for example: in comfortclick, I want to see the user who closes the light.

Under review


DIMITRIS GIOUSIS 7 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 1

Dear Sirs,

I can't see my controllers to my profile in the controllers section. What can i do about this?

Under review


Giordano Olmi 7 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 1 year ago 7

Is it possible reset password for server?

I have insert password for error in the server ComfortClick.
I have necessary the reset password
Is it possible?


Amazon Echo to control KNX thermostat

Bart Schellens 7 years ago in General updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago 5

I'm experimenting with Amazon Echo and it's pretty impressive to turn on lights, dim lights, lower the curtains, control my Sonos by speech commands.  Congrats to the bOS team to implement this and looking forward to more functionalities.

I'm struggling however with the bOS Thermometer reference and Target Temperature Reference.  I've created two appliances. One called 'Room' with only the Thermometer reference filled in (KNX object with room temperature) and this works fine.  For the heating in that same room I created another appliance called 'Heating' with the Target Temperature Reference pointing to a KNX object with the group address of the temperature setpoint input in the Address field and the setpoint feedback object in the Status Address field (this works fine in the bOS app both setting and the feedback).

Using the 'Heating' appliance I can easily set the setpoint without problems.  When I however call: "Alexa, what is the Heating set to ?" as indicated in bOS configurator, (s)he replies with the room temperature instead of the heating setpoint (Literally saying: "The temperature of the room is ... degrees").  This is very strange since the room temperature group address is not even linked to the 'Heating' appliance in bOS but only to the 'Room' appliance?  I checked and both group addresses (the Address and Status Address group address) of the object referred to in the 'Heating' appliance both give the correct setpoint value.  I tried removing both appliances 'Room' and 'Heating' and re-creating them but without success.  I'm really curious if I'm making a mistake here or if there is a small bug in the bOS appliances ?  Any suggestion welcome.