Under review

Digital clock

adir aharony 7 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 5 months ago 8

hi. Is there a way to show digital clock instead the default one.

Under review


for now only the default clock is available.

Best regards.

is there any manual how to install digital clock properly, the only thing I get is as below

Image 4534

It just needs to be in a smaller frame or you must play with the font size and spacing to make it fit. I think in the template file it's placed in the Frames Top menu with 1 row and 2 columns.

Six years and still no simple digital clock widget...

I ask, why? Is it that hard to add?

Hello Marcin,

i have great news for you! The digital clock is available in the current beta relese. Try downloading the beta, select Time, drag and drop it into the theme and select the Digital version. Enjoy!

Also keep in mind it's a beta release so some things need polishing.

Best regards.


Sorry, but this new digital clock is almost useless.

1. It should be possible to set the font size separately for the time and date.

2. It should be possible to display only the time or only the date.

3. The colon is not centered between the hours and minutes.

4. The colon should pulsate/blink to show that it is "alive"

Image 5127

IIt should look like this
Digital Clock.mp4

I did it by playing around with setting by pixel and it still falls apart on different devices. The clock widget is really nothing special and should have been there from the beginning...

Hello Marcin,

thank you for your feedback! I've forwarded your suggestions to our dev team and we'll see what we can do to improve and improve the digital clock and make it more customizable.

Best regards.