Victron GX device integration

Claudiu Ghisoiu 4 months ago in General updated 3 months ago 6

Hi all,

Is there any Victron GX device integration with bOS?

Victron is integrated with Home Assitant using MQTT.

 The communication layer between HA and Victron GX (which in turn talks to all the Victron gear, on the Victron Network) is via MQTT. (additional ModBus reading: https://www.victronenergy.com/live/ccgx:modbustcp_faq)


There's currently no integration created on the examples library:

Supported Smart Building Devices - ComfortClick bOS

Nonetheless, hopefully some user might done it already and would like to share.

If the Victron GX uses MQTT, then it's supported by bOS, it's a matter of developing and testing.

I don't have any Victron device, so I’m not of much help. The only thing I know from reading about the Victron GX, is that it needs to receive a constant keep alive message (some say every 55s, some say less, some use 30s), otherwise Victron will stop posting data.

But yeah, bOS has MQTT so I think it's perfectly possible.

Best regards

Hi Claudiu,

It's fairly straightforward to do using the Modbus driver, HOME-Modbus - Victron.bos

Hi Andy. Thank you very much for the library. I am going to make the connection on Modbus port and I'll test the driver. My setup is ESS, 3 phase, Multiplus II - 5KVA inverter, Smartsolar MPPT RS 450/200-tr, Pytes Battery V5@.


Yeah you might need to research what registers you need for your particular devices, but there is plenty of info out there.


I thought that Claudiu was looking specifically for MQTT connection as he was comparing with HA, and didn't referred that Modbus was an option.

Thanks for sharing Andy!

Best regards