Comfortclick power supply

Diego Colic 4 months ago in General updated 4 months ago 3


I will try to describe the problem as best as I can.

So we have installed ComfortClick module in the electrical cabinet. And everything was working fine ( for around 8 months). Last 2 months module ConmfortClick went offline 2 times (we do not know why). Every other module in the electrical cabinet was online expect ComfortClick. 

Then we did reset the power supply (via fuse) which did not solve the problem. 

By disconnecting and reconnecting the ComfortClick's power supply connector, we did manage to solve the problem and bring ComfortClick back online.

So I have few questions:

1. What could be the reasons that ComfortClick suddenly lost connection and went offline?

2. Why did we need to reset comfortclick power supply by disconnecting and then reconnecting his power supply connector? Why wasn't it enough to reset the power supply via the fuse?


That doesn’t sound logical. Do you have a UPS installed? It’s possible the jigsaw was powered by the UPS when the fuse was off. I recommend using a UPS since sudden power losses can damage the SD card.

Also, did all the LEDs on the jigsaw turn off while the other devices were still working? I had a dead SD card last month, and in my case, only the red LEDs on the jigsaw were blinking. The Ethernet port LEDs were completely off, and the device went offline. But as you got it working again it may be a different problem.

I know, it doesnt sound logical. We dont have an UPS installed. Jigsaw  didnt turn off (power supply was on).

 All LEDs were blinking normally but jigsaw was just offline. 

So after disconnecting and reconnecting the jigsaw power supply connecter, jigsaw came back online.

Am I the only one who is experiencing this problem?