General\web\weather has stopped to work?
I have used this function to view the yahoo weather prediction of my town for long time, but now has stopped to work and a new configuration may not be done. Can be confirmed the situation?
log and monitoring events wont update
I'm having a weird problem with log monitoring/debug. bOS server is 4.4.4 but log does not update correctly. I've tried to repair server and reload it but no use. It shows some older logs but it wont update with new logs even if i manually request values. Monitoring is switched to recording and so is debug.
When tried to repair the server today it got 4 logs and after this it wont update again.
Reliability of automations. Simple daily automation triggers on random days.
I'm having trouble getting simple automations to work reliable.
I want to switch on and off my outside lamps (two KNX devices) using the Sun variables.
I have tried using "Sun.Day" without success and now I'm trying the Sun.NotDay variable.
Here is my program task:
Here is the current values of the Sun:
And here you see my lights are currently still on: (!)
I have made a button in my visu to run the program and when I push it the lights turn on/off instantly. So for some reason it does not trigger correctly.
yahoo weather
Hi!!! I have a problem with yahoo weather services in all my 6 devices PC and Jigsaw. there isn't any received weather data from 29.12.2018
Script error on main page
Help!!! :S
I was doing some changes on the main page of a bOS, with some booleans coming from a solar panel API, and for some reason something happened, and the main page is now showing a black screen, and showing script errors everytime I press anywhere, both on the Configurator and clients...
The other pages are working, but the main one is "dead".
I have a backup, but I'll loose several hours of work.
Any tips on how to recover this?
Best regards
Controls not updated
In a recent installation, I'm facing a weird problem, that occurs randomly. Some of the UI controls / labels are not being live updated while staying on the page.
Let me explain:
For example, in a certain page, I have several heating controls, temperature labels, setpoint, and the valves status.
I've noticed, that sometimes I turn on or off some random heating zones (turn on or off the room thermostat), and the valves turn on or off, but sometimes the valve status icons are not updated (but they are being updated on the BUS, as I can see them on ETS). So it's like, a status is true on ETS, and the icon shows as false on bOS.
But if I click on the that page menu link, like I'm entering again on the page, then the valve icons now show with the correct status. This only happens from the bOS side, and in random icons.
I've restarted the server, but nothing changed.
Anyone with something similar?
Best regards
KNX blind with tension free contact
I want to "press a button" in Comfortclik, to open a Blind, that send to knx a True and False command (in the same order o comand in knx 1/1/10), the two commands, one after another. Why that? Because the blind need a contact without tension (on + off in knx) the same like a lock.
In KNX I have that in a command that commands "on" when I press the button and commands "off" when I stop pressing.
Can somebody help me?
Thanks :)
Hue socket issue?
I've recently acquire an Osram socket, which is compatible with Hue. It's configured properly and bOS detected it. The thing is that I cannot add it to a scene nor add it to a program trigger: the value property remains grey and no option is shown (image down below).
Anyone with this problem or it's just me? :)
Thanks in advance.
RPC Security
I've been using the RPC service with IFTTT and Tasker, but I'm really concerned about the security.
Of course that a VPN can increase the security. But for those who are still not using a VPN, this means expose a port for a service which is not protected.
Even in the LAN, there's no way to protect the service... unless you shut it down, block the access through MAC addresses, or any other way...
I know that the service is still in "beta" and it's to be used at our own risk, but can you think about protecting the service? It would be awesome!
Best regards
Customer support service by UserEcho