Under review

New RPC in v4.5.0

Maarten Van Parijs 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Brent Broge 6 years ago 2


I've upgraded to bOS v4.5.0 and noticed the old way for RPC doesn't work any more.

The change log of v4.5.0 says there is a new RPC with authentication but cant find any manual about it.

Any body know's how this new RPC works?

More then half of my installation works by the RPC interface and currently nothing works and need to downgrade back to V4.4.4

Under review


we're currently working on a tutorial on how to use the new RPC service, it should be available this/next week.

but in short, RPC can be found under API/RPC. Create custom login credentials and then use those credentials e.g. for http driver with login credentials available there for RPC and send/receive values trough that.

Best regards

Is this available yet? This stopped working for me as well. Thank you