Under review

Modbus problem with version 4.5.5

Marco Magnani 6 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 6

Dears Support,

I discovered a ModBus bug in the new version 4.5.5: after few hours the modbus communication driver stops to work. In order to restart you need to reconnect to the server with the configurator toll, select the device modbus deactivate and enable again… after it starts to work again for other hours before stop again

I also tried to restart the server again, but it didn’t solve the problem

Can you have a look on the modbus part of the new server version please?





I saw that you have released a new version 4.5.6 to solve this issue and I installed yesterday evening: it works fine... Now Modbus is back :)

Many tnx for the fast support



After update new version 4.5.8 , again the Modbus  driver stops to work. In order to restart you need to reconnect to the server with the configurator select the device Modbus deactivate and enable again

Under review


did the modbus stop working after update and you needed to manually start it and is now working or do you still face random disconnects?

Best regards,


Random disconnect and auto reconnect

any update? still, I have the same issue


did you try updating to the latest version? Since then we released some additional fixes and improvements to the driver.

best regards.