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licence is recoved

charis vlassakis 7 years ago in General updated by Fabien Fuster 7 years ago 2

Image 1356


Send a command twice

Alex K. 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 7


I am using a demo installation of comfortclick. I am trying to power on/off a Sony monitor through a global cache device (GC-100-12).

I have built an ir receiver with an arduino.

When I press the power on/off button I get these two commands.

Decoded SONY: A90 (12 bits)
Raw (26): 2400 -600 1200 -600 600 -550 1200 -600 600 -600 1150 -600 600 -600 600 -550 1200 -600 600 -600 550 -600 600 -600 600 
Decoded SONY: A90 (12 bits)
Raw (26): 2400 -600 1200 -550 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -550 1200 -600 600 -550 600 -600 1200 -600 600 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 

From what I see it is the same command send twice, I guess to avoid false positives.

I have configured the command to comfortclick and I can send the command, this is what I get when I receive the command with my ir receiver.

Decoded SONY: A90 (12 bits)
Raw (26): 2400 -550 1250 -500 650 -550 1200 -550 650 -550 1200 -550 600 -600 650 -500 1250 -500 650 -550 650 -550 650 -550 600 

The problem is that the monitor doesn't power up.

I think I need to send the command twice to power it up.

How can I achieve this through comfortclick?


Index was outside the bounds of the array

Francois Lesueur 7 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 7 years ago 2


I'm using old Fibaro Z-Wave modules. They are included into the Z-Wave controller without any issues, but the parameters are not populated automatically. So, I have to add them manually. 

Sometimes, this is working fine ; some other times, I'm getting the "Index was outside the bounds of the array" message when I'm trying to set a parameter. (Reading parameters work fine.)

Example with a Fibaro FGS221 for which I added parameter 14 only (switch type) ; I can't modify this parameter, which is quite a problem as it means that I cannot control correctly the relay with the switch.

Thank you for your help,


Under review

bOS configurator bug

Marco Magnani 7 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 1

Dear support,

I see the following bug: in the bOS configurator I have the following enum descriptions: Scheduler, Manual and Sensor.

Image 1350

Instead when I use the App on my iPhone in the selection menu I see Auto, Manual and Sensor.

Image 1351

Even I rename the Scheduler in the bOS configurator in the App client the name doesn’t  change (the system keeps the first name that I assigned: Auto)

Can you fix it, please?


Under review

Very slow reading / writing + timeout errors with WEINZIERL BAOS 771

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago in bOS Server updated 6 years ago 12


I've been using a temporary JUNG IPS 100 REG IP interface on bOS, and it was working fine.

But I had to change that temporary IP interface for a BAOS 771 from WEINZIERL.

As you may know, BAOS actually let's you use IP tunneling for programming / visualization, and also to use it as Bus Access Object Server, for prototyping, third party integration etc.

As soon as I started using the BAOS with bOS, I've noticed that bOS is extremely slow reading / writing.

In fact, when the KNX connection becomes true, bOS tries to read every feedback and it shows "No response to read from..." in every address. While this happens, I can see on ETS bOS trying to read the feedbacks almost with a 2 to 3 second delay between them.

If I run a scene for example, it tries to execute the scene at the same very slow speed, 2 to 3 seconds in every group address of the scene.

If using the BAOS on ETS for programming, it works at a "regular" read / write speed.

If using the BAOS with the internal DPT server, it works fast at reading / writing.

If I use it on bOS and click in two or three lights very quick for example, it turns the first one, 2 to 3 seconds and turns the next one, and so one.

I know that BAOS 771 is "old" and with a 10BaseT ethernet connection, but it's a very strange behavior.

Ant tips on that?

Best regards


Acceptance of server's public keys

Michael Kanellias 7 years ago in bOS Client 0

Hi. A client of mine, who bought the license, keeps getting in his iPhone the message : "Do you accept server's public keys" when he connects to bOS Client. What is this?

Under review


Guillem Morey 7 years ago in bOS Server updated 7 years ago 2

Just as information, is there any limit of nodes ? 


Configurator Aborts on Alexa Command

Tom Kessler 7 years ago in Devices / Other updated 7 years ago 9

I've moved my BOS system from desktop to a Intel NUC server and apparently messed things up in the process.  I've reinstalled BOS a couple of times with some Modbus I/O, that part working fine.  Then I added my Alexa Appliance back in.   But when I give a command, Alexa says not responding, then Configurator aborts and won't allow me a log in again.   Here's a video...  How do a complete clean reinstall or otherwise fix this?


Wrong ID


Why do I get this in the Lisence line?

Image 1325

For a moment it returned to "Free (1/1 users)", but now it is back to Wrong ID


Under review

opening iOS app from boss

luca di giorgio 7 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 7 years ago 2


watching your webinar, i tried to connect an android and iOS app with boss

The app is milestone mobile for ip cameras

no matter with android 

the setting is  : program  com.milestonesys.mobile , the app opens 

with iOS the setting is correct : apple.com/it/app/milestone-mobile/id498447321?mt=8

but i'm connected with the app store, then i've to open the app and then it runs.

Is there an url command to open the app without using the app store?
