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json problem with decode answer message with space

Sebastien Clivaz 2 years ago in Devices / Basic updated by Tomasz Michalak 2 years ago 2


I try to get the value with the basic device and UDP request. 

The answer is in json and the answer is correct you can see below an example

"ID": "2",
"State": 1,
"Error1": 0,
"Error2": 0,
"Plug": 3,
"AuthON": 0,
"Authreq": 0,
"Enable sys": 1,
"Enable user": 1,
"Max curr": 0,
"Max curr %": 1000,
"Curr HW": 13000,
"Curr user": 63000,
"Curr FS": 0,
"Tmo FS": 0,
"Curr timer": 0,
"Tmo CT": 0,
"Setenergy": 0,
"Output": 0,
"Input": 0,

When I try to read the data with the space for exemple "Enable sys" I have the error  "Error parsing received data. : Unexpected character while parsing path:"

How to decode the value with space ?

I try somes codes for space but nothing work.

Can you help me please ?



Juan Tomasetti 2 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by Andrew Watson 2 years ago 7


I have a Grinder module, and I would like to connect a Solar Inverter via UART. In the Grinder module, I have connected the CP2102 adapter to the USB port, bOs recognizes it perfectly in the COM3 port. According to the solar inverter documentation, the communication is UART, 115200bps, 8bits data, 1 stop bit, no parity. The COM3 port, so I have configured it. But I can't get a response from the inverter. I have tried all the combinations on the bos, but I cannot receive data. Any suggestion???




Jeff Jie 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Tanel Matsi 2 years ago 5

Hi, could i know how to set the 1byte fan speed (aircon mode) group address in the task. Scene? so I can change the setting in the scene function page.


ETS 6 return error on bus test

Kristián Vojčík 2 years ago in Devices / KNX 0

I have problem with ETS 6 returning error on bus test, when I try lets say IP interface it is working fine. But both interfaces works with ETS 5

Under review

Show confirmation button not work properly on cancel

Valentin Popa 2 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 6


I have a Hormann Garage Door with Hormann KNX Gateway where I have option for going Up and Down.

For this I create two buttons. One for Up and one for Down. When I press Up button I set show confirmation to true and I added a pin to avoid Garage Door opening by mistake since from there you can enter directly in my house.

These is my confirmation setting.

Image 3634

When I press button bellow confirmation appear 

Image 3635

Now come my problem.

If I put the pin everything is working fine and door is opening

If I press cancel (X button from right up corner) dialogue gone but instead to have same Garage Panel it go at main Panel.

So in case of aborting I should remain in same page.

Any idea if this is a bug and how I can fix it?

Best Regards



Ping to other IPs

Giordano Olmi 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 1


I have a client who asks me about the possibility of being able to PING with the bOS system on an external IP to get a signal if the external IP interface is not responding.

Can we manage this functionality with bOS?

Can we send an http string to be able to perform this function?

Can you send me an example?

Best regards

Giordano Olmi

Under review

live in bulk in camera view on client

Giordano Olmi 2 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated 2 years ago 4

Hello, I have clients who complain about the blocking of the live cameras on the PC client.

To be able to reactivate live, they must close the windows app and reactivate it.

The cameras are all configured with snapshot mode.

Can you tell me how I can solve this problem.

Best regards

Giordano Olmi


listen on triggers from devices

Gracjan Olbiński 2 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 1

Is there a way to attach some actions on triggers for KNX devices (i.e. trigger something if knx button writes to knx light)?

I want to add some extra behavior on second click like if lights are on and somebody click the button again switch on even more lights, etc.

Under review

KNX Wrong Group Addresses Import when use .knxproj

Valentin Popa 2 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 2 years ago 10

When I try to import KNX project exported from ETS5 as .esf extension Addresses are correct as in bellow image

Image 3609

When I try to import KNX project exported from ETS5 as .knxproj extension Addresses are not correct. Please see bellow image.

Image 3610

I use bos configurator 4.9.1.

Is this a bug?


HTTP read energy prices from homepage

Tanel Matsi 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 2 years ago 12

Since the energy prices have gone up I would like to import energy prices to bOS so I could make some desicions according to energy prices. I have read the manual about http driver but I am not a http and api expert and I am not able to understand the manual. Has anybody done such a thing and could explane or share demo how to read values from homepage or api. I understand that reading is different in different pages but maybe with some example I would understand the idea how to GET value to bOS.