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2N IP Solo Integration

Michele Calzolani 2 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 2 years ago 6

Hi guys,
is there anyone already integrated 2N Ip Solo with Comfort Click?

Under review

Basic Device - Serial Connection - Received Data structured in a better format

Calin Birtocean 2 years ago in Devices / Basic updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 2


I have a meter connected serial to bOS. I am looking to find a way to structure the received data so I can interpret it in bOS and display it. For example highlighted in yellow below the data 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 35 would be the meter number 10015. The 30 represents a 0, 31 represents a 1, 32 represents a 2, etc

Here is a part from the meter datasheet:

Image 4489

Here is the way the meter connection is configured in bOS as Basic Device:

Image 4490


Here is the command for the request string:

Image 4491

Same command with different data type:

Image 4492

Both the above commands return the same data:

Image 4497

Image 4496

As seen the command is sent and data is received. The challenge I have is that the value left in the string variable created doesn't contain the full string 

Image 4499

This would be the data displayed using their software:

Image 4500

Any tips on how this can be handled in bOS so when receiving the data it can be structured in such a way so when extracting the 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 35  it can be used as being the value for meter number 10015.

Thank you, 


Under review

IP camera online vs connected?

alexandros toufexis 2 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated 2 years ago 6


What is the difference between the IPcameras' values "Connected" and "Online"?

If the camera is connected and streaming both values are "True". However, when I unplug the camera, the values do not change to "False". They status changes to "False" only when I disable the camera from the bOS configurator.

Is there a way to know the actual status of the camera?

Thank you in advance.

Image 4479

Under review

Weather forecast

Dávid Kirchhofer 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 1


Someone can get me instructions or an example how to set up weather forecast based on openweather or any other method?

I'm a little begginer about the bos, and this (https://www.comfortclick.com/BOS/KnowledgeBase/Weather) example cant get me on.

Thank you!

Regards, David

Under review

Updating firmware on Zwave devices

Nathan Meinck 2 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 1

Hi, I want to update the firmware on a number of devices (various brands - mainly Fibaro)

I know there are updates as on another project we used the Fibaro HomeCentre and each device required an update. I can't see how you can do this in ComfortClick.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Hikvision NVR cannot be discovered

Daryl Lim Ming Yen 2 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 8

Hi i am not able discover my HIKVISION NVR (model: DS-7604NI-Q1/4P) under the bOS configurator's device discovery function. The NVR and the Jigsaw are under the same network. 

And also i am unable to display the camera video on bOS Client even though i have manually keyed in the IP address of the NVR and the URL (rtsp://%u:%p@%ip:554/Streaming/Channels/101) under IP camera settings. I have validated the URL using the VLC and the video was displayed correctly.

Anyone has such similar experience? Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks 


KNX TP Connection - "Error connecting the device - No response to connect"

Sem Craeghs 2 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 2

I've attached the Jigsaw to my KNX installation by connecting the TP connection directly to the bus.

Seems the Jigsaw cannot start that way of communication.

Image 4470

On the other hand, when I try it by using the KNP IP gateway, it IS working!

Image 4469

So, how can I enable the Jigsaw's internal KNX TP bus connection instead of using the IP based connection?


HomeKit - Window Shutter

Duarte Saraiva 2 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Fabien Fuster 6 months ago 2

Good evening,

I installed the beta version of bOS in order to mess with HomeKit, and, more specifically about the window shutter, I find that the values that it requested were inverted for my shutters setup (HomeKit requires 0 for closed and 100 for open, my shutters require 0 for open and 100 for closed). I think the dev team could add an option to invert those values.

Under review


Vincenzo Caradonna 2 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 1

ich möchte einen kalender für termine einfügen. als beispiel einen abfallkalender mit ical.



"Denon AVR" driver from ComfortClick examples library

Grzegorz Kulinski 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated 2 years ago 1

Hello everyone.

I have a question. Has anyone tried to use "Denon AVR" driver to control the Marantz SR7015 receiver. If so, which Remote Port should be set, because on 5000 I get "Error connecting to device. No response from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5000”.
