KNX TP Connection - "Error connecting the device - No response to connect"

Sem Craeghs 2 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 2

I've attached the Jigsaw to my KNX installation by connecting the TP connection directly to the bus.

Seems the Jigsaw cannot start that way of communication.

Image 4470

On the other hand, when I try it by using the KNP IP gateway, it IS working!

Image 4469

So, how can I enable the Jigsaw's internal KNX TP bus connection instead of using the IP based connection?


I've installed the release candidate (4.9.23b) and it seems now to be working!


It's at least strange, because the Jigsaw should work without having to use beta version. In fact the Jigsaw KNX connection should work out-of-box since the first versions.

Nonetheless now we can't confirm what could possibly be wrong, but that's ok, what matters is that it's working.

Enjoy it now :-)

Best regards