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Under review

Unable to add RUN PROGRAM to a scene

Fernando Indopesan 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1

Hello! Since the last version (4.7.0) I'm not able to Run a Program from a Scene, I was able in previous versions and it's very useful. I can only set the Enable or Blocked feature, but I can't run it. It'll be pretty helpful, now I have to create a variable just to call the program.

Under review

SMA Tripower 10 Modbus communication problem

Josep Gimenez 5 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1


I'm trying to connect with a SMA Tripower via Modbus TCP and I can connect with it but when I try to read registers the Tripower response NaN values all the time, I try to change the Slave ID and I try to read diferent adreces but doesn't work, I used the SMA example of the web and I make a new Modbus connection too, can you help me please. Thank you.

Under review

Registration of Demo bOS server not responsive

Ross Kopp 5 years ago in bOS Server updated 5 years ago 5

after registering and downloading the bOS server software for windows, i login to the server using the default credentials and try to register the free version for testing. i click on the register button but nothing happens out of a new window opening up. 

is there an issue with registering the free server software version? 

Under review

Innogy support with bOS

Ross Kopp 5 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 5

one of my customers have an Innogy Smart home version 2.0 controller and the innogy rolladen controllers. does the bOS have a protocol that interfaces wit hthe Innogy smart home controller?


Did anyone have any success with controlling air conditioning or shutters through Google Home?

Tomasz Michalak 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Gruyère Energie SA 5 years ago 7

Did anyone have any success with controlling air conditioning or shutters through Google Home?

air conditioning?


Jigsaw - Problems with email, weather, http devices

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 5 years ago in bOS Server updated 5 years ago 3

Hello everyone,

I think probably most of the problems I'm describing here were mentioned in other posts, but it's getting really problematic, and I'm looking forward for you attention:

I'm using Grinder servers on every costumer, but I have a Jigsaw at home, running version 4.6.26, and there's where I'm getting all of these errors / bugs.

My internet service is quite unstable to be honest, and I need to reboot the router quite often. But the electricity is stable, and Jigsaw is operational with almost none reboots. At first, I thought that problem might be from the unstable internet, but now I'm stating to think that the problem may be software based.

The local and remote access to the Jigsaw is ok, and never had any problems with that.

The problem is that I've noticed that I have several services which actually don't work, or just work from time to time. And they are:

SMTP Email sending

My Jigsaw doesn't send any emails... Gmail, own mail server, nothing works. Today I've tested exactly the same SMTP configuration on my local laptop bOS server, and it works. But not on the Jigsaw. It doesn't show any error, it just doesn't do anything.

Reload and reboot doesn't solve anything.

I think I probably just seen my Jigsaw sending 1 successful email, and that was kind of several weeks ago.

Weather service

My weather service also doesn't work. Most of the times I see an empty error image of the weather on the visualization. On the weather node, if I add my City name on the location name, it disappears.

Image 2479

Image 2480

HTTP Devices

Simple stuff like making an HttpRequest on a Task or Http Device, without any authentication, doesn't work.

Example of a HttpRequest not working:



Reboot, Reload, Factory Reset, none of this actually helped at first.

With a fresh Jigsaw factory reset, I had the same problems.

Then, after a configuration restore, my email started to work. And apparently weather too. The question is, for how long. Because it happened before.

Is there something wrong on Jigsaw code? Isn't bOS sharing the same code that on Grinder? I assume that the software is developed in .NET and using Mono on Jigsaw or something.

The question here is, am I the only one with problems? If not, has anyone noticed this issues? Or am I being too picky?

My configuration is not that complex. It's true that I do a lot of testing, and complex logic, etc, but the configuration and visualization is pretty "light" actually, so I know I'm not pushing too hard the Jigsaw.

Best regards

Under review

USB to SERIAL on Jigsaw

bravida brasys 5 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1


Will it work with any usb to serial ona aJigsaw server or do I have to use the one provided from comfortclick? Wondering because there are no way to install drivers on Jigsaw?


Google Home

Jef Wijns 5 years ago 0

Is it possible to control the volume of my google home from comfortclick?
And possibly read information about what Google is playing?

With best regards


Task - Program: with 'dirty variable'

Marco Fernandes 5 years ago in General updated 5 years ago 3

Good Morning.

I'm using a calculation to count the pulses and also to reset the record counter, but when the power goes out and the server shuts down, when the variable in question is restarted it starts with a random / dirty value.

Image 2472

So, I would like to get help on how I could solve this problem. Is there a possibility to use a global variable or an INIT, so when the server is restarted, does the LIMIT variable keep the required value [10,000]?



Different os show a slightly different layout

A. R. 5 years ago in bOS Client updated 5 years ago 4
Example bottom button (confirm position), it can be adapted by playing, but .. 
If install this it for customers. Is there a risk custom design may be self change in after comfortclick /android app update?

Image 2466

Image 2467Image 2468