Under review

User messaging limits

Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago in bOS Server updated 1 year ago 4


I would need to limit the Users to send messages to everyone(User still should be able to send message to the admin, but not to other users/apartments) thru the bOS app internal events messaging. 

We have hotel project where the clients have started to misuse the feature by spamming jokes and memes in there - to everyone ofc, now the Hotel is asking me to turn it off but there is no option for that.

Best regards

Under review


People... :)

Thank you for reporting this, we'll try to find a way to prevent this misuse and find a simple solution to this problem.

Best regards.

I'm bringing this up again. I've added clear events buttons for admin so they could delete the spam/jokes that are not needed. But they don't really want to monitor chat logs etc. Client is still asking me to turn the chat feature off or a limit/option to send messages to only admins.

Hello Jurgen,

I'll create an internal ticket to have messages limitation or add option for users to send messages to only specific users.

Best regards.