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GC disconnection

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in Devices / Global Caché updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 12


I've got several GC modules on several bOS systems. 

On all of these systems (Grinder, Jigsaw KNX, Jigsaw Z-Wave) the GC gets sometimes disconnected, at random. Sometimes it reconnects in a matter of seconds ; sometimes it doesn't reconnect and the only solution is to disable and then re-enable the device, or to restart bOS. 

1st question : is there any ways to fix that ? 

2nd question : I can make a test before using GC to check if it is connected or not. But then what can I do ? It seems that it is not possible by program to disable a device, or to restart bOS. Is that correct ? Any other solutions ? 



Under review

WOL - Shutdown - magic package - wake on lan - sleep

Paul G 4 years ago in bOS Configurator updated 3 years ago 15


The bOS comes with a function to remotely shut-down, sleep or wake a computer, however it is unclear which methid it uses, as it has ramifications on network or operating system

Method 1 - bOS generates a operating system shutdown command, e.g. shutdown /s /m \\myremotePC /t 5

Method 2 - bOS generates an actual LAN network message and drops it on the network

As the bOS method does not seem to work, have tried multiple things, in order to ring-fence the possible root causes. Can you please confirm which method bOS uses to leverage remote switch-on/sleep of computers pleasE?



"Restart On Retriger" task

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 4 years ago 11

Hi everyone.

I would like to understand how the "Restart On Retriger" function in task "Program" works. I need to run "Program" depending on the change of motion sensor violation bit. I have quite long time delays inside "Program" (between 15 and 45 minutes), so it is very important that at each change of the motion sensor violation (change from 0 to 1 or vice versa) my program is interrupted and restarted. How should "Restart On Retriger" be set in this case? On False or on True?



Ability to disable devices on a frame

Paul G 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago 1


Have not been able to get any workaround or method for the following to work, effectively the ability to disable a device on the front-end without the need to go to bOS configurator and mark the driver as 'disable'.

For example, if I want to disable three cameras, I'd like to have the ability to have a button on a frame to allow me to disable the driver of the camera at will -some form of maintenance and control.

Currently the values of a device do not allow to disable a device, it has values to show its status but not to disable it. Is there a workaround to disable devices directly on the client front-end with a simple button that might trigger a programme in bOS.


Lighting Scene and time schedules

@Nea Smyrni 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Fabien Fuster 4 years ago 6

Hi to everyone. I have to find a solution as soon as possible regarding a new project  with KNX system. We have an analog (not a KNX ) LUX meter from ABB which sends an On command when the external lighting is low . This command is going  to a digital input and this input sends the command to the KNX ouput device to turn On the lights. What we need is that when the digital input send the command we want to enable a scene /time schedule that all the lights are going to be dimmed for example to 70% , from 8pm to 10pm, after 10pm the lighting must go automatically to 40% from 10pm to 12pm. From 12 am and when the digital input send the command to turn Off the lights the lights must be dimmed to 20%. Any ideas on how I can create this kind of scene/ time schedule? Thank you in advance.


Displaying graphics on the top and bottom bar

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in bOS Configurator updated 4 years ago 2

Hi everyone.

Since I created the dark theme of visualization, light color of the top and bottom bar is even more annoying (dark interface is less readable, because bright top and bottom strips hurt eyes). Is there any possibility to change this color (applications run on Apple iPad/iPhone devices).
The second issue is truncated texts where names are displayed on two lines. One solution could be to define the space between individual buttons of the bottom menu so that longer text fits on one line. Of course, ideal solution would be the automatic height of bottom bar, depending on displayed texts, or possibility of its definition by the user.

Image 2789

Image 2790

I checked that the top bar is black in Android version. However, truncated texts are still displayed on the bottom bar.

Are there any plans to correct such shortcomings?



Under review

Problem with Z-Wave association to Fibaro 2 relays switch

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 3 years ago 2


I'm running bOS 4.7 on Jigsaw KNX with a Z-Stick. 

I have many Fibaro modules in my set-up, including a Fibaro fgd-211 dimmer, and a Fibaro fgs-221 2 relays switch. 

Group 2 of the dimmer is connected to a second switch, and can be used to control other devices thanks to group association.

I want dimmer Group 2 to control group 1 of the fgs-221. 

When I set-up the association, I did find the fgs-221 node, but I didn't find each of the relays. So, I associated dimmer group 2 to fgs-221 node. And it did work : I can now control relay 1 with dimmer switch 2. 

However, I'm now having the following error message on bOS when I click on Associations : "La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet" which would translate approximatively as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And I cannot view / modify associations anymore. 


Under review

bug on z-wave associations screen

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 4 years ago 3


I upgraded to 

Since this upgrade, the Associations screen is not working anymore : when displayed, it's a completely blank screen : the existing associations are not displayed, and the usual buttons and tabs to manage associations even don't appear. It's a blank screen with only a border. 

This is a big problem as I cannot handle associations anymore. Any workaround about this ? Or quick fix ? 




Cyclical reloading configuration problem

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Paul G 4 years ago 2

Hi everyone.

Does anyone know what is going on? New beta versions are being withdrawn from ComfortClick homepage. At the moment, version 4.7.20 is available. My system, edited in 4.7.24, went crazy - server was reloading configuration every few minutes. I did a downgrade to 4.7.23, unfortunately it didn't help. Yesterday I updated my program using version 4.7.18 of BOS Configurator and uploading program edited in version 4.7.22. The program started working properly ... until today (28/09) by 7:41 local time UAE (GMT + 4). From then server started reloading configuration every few minutes.

Today, at 9:28 local time UAE (GMT + 4), I made another backup of the program (which, apart additional log entries from night time, doesn't differ from the previous day's version). I performed restore configuration from files recorded yesterday and today. And on yesterday's backup server is stable, while today's backup is still reloading!

At the moment, I left configuration from yesterday to restore correct operation of the system. However, I suspect that tomorrow morning it will start cyclic configuration reloading :/

Does anyone have similar problems / symptoms?



Display a google calender in the bOS clients.

Maximilian Rauch 4 years ago in General updated 2 years ago 3


I would like to display a google calendar in the visualization.

I tried to display the calendar via the web browser element, unfortunately this only works with the public calendar.

It woud be nice to have a native object for Ical calendar.

Or does someone have another solution for the project.

Best Regards Max