One shot button
Dear support,
I got the need to use in my application a button (to open the entrance door). It must be a one shot button (pulse button) and not the classic switch button.
How do I need to set up the button in Bos in order to work as pulse button?
Can you help me?
Time Server
Hello, I contact you because I can not use the Time Server properly.
Import ETS file
How to import .esf file to grinder? in the menu devices i select knx and doesn't have the option to import, can anyone help me?
Unable to start HTTPS service on non-standard port
I'm trying to run bOS server on specific tcp/ip ports. i.e. http on 9080, https on 9443. According to manual i have edited BOSService.exe.config as follows:
<add key="EventServiceUri" value="net.tcp://localhost:16100/" />
<add key="HttpsServiceUri" value="https://localhost:9443/" />
<add key="HttpServiceUri" value="http://localhost:9080/" />
<add key="RPCServiceUri" value="http://localhost:81/" />
<add key="EnableRPC" value="True" />
<add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />
But https connection does not work, http works fine. Changing back to 443 brigns it back.
I have already tried other ports, firewall is disabled. Checked on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008 without success.
please try to stop the bOS Server and delete the ComfortClick certificate in Windows mmc and start bOS Server back.
Unable to connect from Android Client
Hi, I'm trying to connect to my test bOS Server fom Android client.
My bOS Client version is 4.2, installed on Samsung Galaxy Tab with Android 4.2.2; my test bOS Server version is 4.2.6 on Windows 10.
I'm unable to connect to demo server, too (
If I use Chrome from the tablet instead of the app, the connection succeed.
If I connect from Windows bOS Client (version 4.2.8), the connection succeed.
What's wrong?
Hue-connection not working
Got my hue-lights home today and started connecting them towards bOS. Sadly, the integration is broken.
When doing a wireshark-trace it´s obvious that bOS tries to connect to the hue bridge with user "ComfortClick" - no matter what username you specify in the configure-wizard.
The HUE API states that fixed usernames should not be used anymore as the are "soon" to be deprecated from the API. I guess that day has arrived - I tried to create a new user manually through the API but only got a json back with "username is not a valid command" or something like that.
App Comfort Click for Apple
Goodmorning everyone,
Divide a meter on a monthly usage basis
Goodmorning everyone,
http basic string manipulation
Hi There,
Usinng the Http basic I can bring a string back from an API to another device, but that string contains data I do not need, I only want the present value from this response: {"present-value":22.285308837890625,"object-id":"0.1001","object-instance":"1001","object-type":"0","device-id":"0","href":""}
Is this possible in Comfort Clik, in short I wanto to populate a temperature in comfort click using the present value in the above response?
it is possible to parse JSON and XML data from the response. If your response is in one of those formats it is quite easy to read out the data. Another way is to use REGEX and parse out any data from text, but that is harder.
Example for JSON:
"Sensor1": {
"Temperature": 10
On the main HTTP node chose parser type "Json"
If you would like to read out temperature from sensor 1 (value 10), create a new variable under HTTP node e.g. double and enter Sensor1.Temperature in the Token Name field.
Aeotec Door & Window Sensor 6
how to create a task with this sensor to switch on a light?
Customer support service by UserEcho