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Lighting control logic

Andy Gill 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 13

Hi There,

I'm having some problems understanding tasks/programs. At the moment I'm just testing things out before I install in my new house so need to get things right.

So I want to use an occupancy detector to turn on and off a light, when that light has not been turned on by a scene or switch in which case it has no effect.

What seems to be happening is that when the occupancy sensor turns on the light (which it does) the scene also changes, so the IF statement to pick up that the scene is off no longer allows the light to go off under the occupancy detection?

Could some one give me an example? hopefully it make sense but please elt me know if you need further info.


ComfortClick Support 9 years ago


sorry for late reply. I just tested your movement detector setup and it seems that there is a bug in Movement detector task. Blocking value is refreshed only after second command. We will fix this as soon as possible.



Port BosClient

Jérôme Carannante Carannante 9 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 2
What is the port used by the application on android BosClient to communicate with the server?

ModBus // Broken Connection

Mosé Marangoni 9 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by Jure Lahajnar 8 years ago 12


I'm using a modbus devices (light,dimmer,ect) with moxa RTUtoTCP converter, the connection is instable and every time give me the message "Error connecting to device", after few second "Device is connected" but if try to change state I get message "Error setting value .... device is not connect ..." After few second the state change anyway but the interaction is very very slow

Any suggestion please?

Thanks a lot

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago

We are checking the Modbus driver again, possible fixes will be available in next update.


Error in BOSconfigurator

Jurgen Van Puyenbroeck 9 years ago in bOS Configurator updated 9 years ago 8

After selecting any function in my BOSConfigurator I receive this message.


HTTP Request Data

Mehul Patel 9 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Thomas Curtis 9 years ago 2

How do you retrieve data from device using http get method? I am trying to get power status of denon receiver over IP.

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago


unfortunately our HTTP driver does not support two way communication. You can only control the device, but you cannot get status from the device. We will improve that in future releases.



Execute windows program.

Mike Hartley 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1


Can you tell me how to configure the system to execute a simple windows programme. I have some obvibe S20 devices and simply want to call an executable with an IP, Mac address and command (on:off:status).


Daylight saving times

Mattis Nilsson 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 3


The server service does not seem to sync time with computer time. It seems that server has to be restarted before time is beeing synced. Is there a easy way to fix this? I use ComfortClick as Master Time where KNX is used to distribute time for clocks at an industry. They want the time to be correct at all times.


I managed to partially integrate "SONOS" bOS

David Guillen 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 5
With a separate Web server installed on the same machine Bos. I got on / off and raise / lower the music of "SONOS" applications.

migration from CMC to bOS

Kresimir Marusic 9 years ago in General updated by Francisco Oliveira 7 years ago 3

Is it possible to migrate from CMC to bOS?

If yes how?

What about licenes? Is CMC licence automaticaly upgraded to bOS licence?

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago

Hello, yes it is possible, but first you need to update to bOS 3.

1.Create a Copy of ComfortClick folder from C drive to safe location.

2. Update CM to latest version and upgrade from version CM 2.2.4 to latest bOS 3.0.76

3. Open BOS Configurator, go to Files, and load default tab, then click on Theme and click load default.

4. Backup the configuration through bOS Configurator (.zip file).

5. Install .NET Framework 4.5 (if not installed yet) and upgrade from version bOS 3 to BOS 4.

License should automatically been upgraded, if you will have problems, contact us.


bOS Beta (3.9) license error

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago in bOS Server updated 9 years ago 1
With a latest update of bOS beta version 3.9 some licenses could become corrupted. The invalid license error is displayed in bOS Client. In case of this error the manual server restart is required. This will restore the original license. After the license is restored, upgrade to latest version (3.9.1) is recomended.