Under review

Wrong ID

Javier Aguirre 7 years ago updated by Alexander Haring 3 years ago 16

Good afternoon,

I restored a configuration from a Jisaw server into my computer´s local server in order to show it to our clients.

My local server now shows Wrong ID, I reported the error (with the botton showed in the bOS Configurator where the "regiter" botton used to be) and then I saw that when reporting the license is migrated to the new ID. I don´t want to migrate the license from the Jigsaw, I just would like to have the free license for this server and maintain the licensed Jigsaw.


Javier Aguirre

Under review


to avoid this issue, you can try to use our Import function to import nodes without the need to import the whole configuration. If you could provide me with the AccessID on your PC i will fix this Wrong ID issue.


Good morning,

Machine ID: D017C217DE1D

However, I just noticed machine ID changes when I´m connected by Ethernet or WiFi.



please press refresh button.



Thank you!

Muy buenos días, me sucede lo mismo que a Javier Aguirre

Mi servidor local ahora muestra una identificación incorrecta, informa el error (con el botón mostrado en el Configurador de bOS donde está el botón "registrador") y luego vi eso al informar que la licencia se migró a la nueva identificación. No quiero migrar la licencia de Jigsaw, solo me gustaría tener la licencia gratuita para este servidor y mantener la licencia de Jigsaw.



if you can provide ID or accessID of the controller, we can check and try to resolve the problem.

Best regards,

Buenos día, le adjunto el Id que me aparece y el número de serie del dispositivo. Muchas gracias de antemano


the accessID seem to be missing, try pressing the refresh button in the configurator.

Best regards,

Hola, ya lo he intentado y no lo soluciona...mantiene los mismos parámetros. Gracias


the license should now be valid, do you have stable internet connection to the jigsaw in order to refresh the license?

Best regards.

Hola. Tengo una conexión estable de internet al dispositivo. Aun la licencia mantiene el Wrong ID. Gracias


the license seems to be valid in our system, try pressing refresh again.

Best regards,

Buenos días 

Probó actualizar nuevamente y aun continúa mostrando el mismo error de Wrong ID...me podrían dar otra solución

Hi! I have a JigSaw server. Tried to configure it, but it shows at the License that it has a wrong ID. First everything was allright, but after an upgrade got this error. My modell is CC-J-2, the serial is J5089. Could you please help me?

Hi! The Support solved my problem. Thanks.

The server ID must be the same as the MAC of the network card. If possible, change the MAC using software