Finding X lowest values
I'm trying to put together a Task to run a pool circulation pump only on the hours when the electricity cost is the lowest. I can get the prices from API. I end up with 24 Doubles, one for each hour of the day. But I have not managed to figure out a way to filter out the lowest values.
For instance I need to run the pump for 6 hours every day. So at every hour I need a way to check "Is this current hour one of the 6 cheapest hours for today?"
Any ideas?
Free licensing issue
I installed today bOS Server + bOS Config + bOS Client 4.3.0 and I can`t activate de free license. After registering the controller and clicking the Refresh button in bOS Configurator it doesn`t register. Also I observed that after each click on refresh button in bOS Configurator the Machine ID changes.
public ip on the Android app
Hello, is there a way to automatically update the public ip on the Android app after restarting the router as it happens with "CONFIG BOS" on the PC?
Form Panel
Trying to create a button that opens a form panel.
I've created my sub-panel, but when I select "Enable Form" and "Form Panel" in the master screen, it asks me to "select path" and I have no sub-panels listed to choose from.
Where must the sub-panel be located in the heirarchy to show up?
is bOS support Yeelight?
I'd like to use this cheap wifi hue light for my house (KNX installed) to turn on in red when my door garage is open.
I see some work in
is there a way to intergrated with bOS?
Modbus BOOL holding register
Dear Support
I got a problem with the Modbus. I need to read and write BOOL value in holding register. I try some settings that is in Jigsaw but it only work as integer, and I realy like that bool style switches that you have made. So please if it is possible please add that to jigsaw or if it possible to do it now can you tell me how? My PLC can only read and write to holding register, it will be changed but for now it is what it is. Thanks.
Send date and time 3 bytes (KNX)
It's possible to send time and date, for some knx device?
IP camera won´t work with ONVIF support
Hi. We have some IP camera that we use in our company security. I been trying to get it to work over few weeks now and I can not get it to work.
I find the stream that work on VLC it is : rtsp://admin:admin@
but in Jigsaw it not showing any picture.
When I try to find it throught Jigsaw ONVIF finder it can not find the camera. PS: ONVIF work on that camera.
Axis limits in graphs
Since the last update the lower axis limit of a graph with all my room temperatures is set to 0 instead of the minimum value in the data to plot. This makes the graphs not very interesting anymore since room temperatures are always around 20degC. Is there a way to set the axis limits fixed to chosen values or auto (like in MSExcel) ?
Customer support service by UserEcho