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Elering example library

Ohmin1970 2 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Kenneth Ström 2 years ago 15

Have anyone tried elering v2 from the examples library?

I don´t get any prices and I don´t know what I am doing wrong.

Under review

MQTT subscriptions

Artem Kuteynikov 3 years ago in Devices / Other updated 3 years ago 5


   Has anyone experienced problems with values in subscriptions? I`m working with ShellyEM and there are values of power instead of voltage, reactive power instead of power and so on. In MQTT Explorer everything looks fine... Are there any restrictions on subscriptions number or something like this (now i have14 subscriptions for 1 Client)?

Under review

MQTT bug Internal Broker IP address

Pascal Platteel 3 years ago in Devices / Other updated 3 years ago 5

When setting-up MQTT and setting Internal broker to TRUE, then the local IP address is used of the client that is running the bOS Configurator (in my case my laptop). This is the wrong IP address and can not be changed! 

It should be the IP address of the bOS Server. 

When setting-up MQTT from the bOS Server, then the IP address is correct.

Under review

Weather stop work?

Panayiotis Evgeniou 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 6

The weather don't work .

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Natalino Montino 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Pascal Platteel 3 years ago 6

Dear, it's possible control the mqtt device with your server?

Under review

Android app shortcut on Samsung SM-T510 tablet

Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1


Recently the shortcuts for some apps have stopped working. Thing is that they still work on my own phone and other tablets that are not Samsungs. 

Image 3324

Tablet has the latest updates and all apps are also installed and are working just bOS cant open them. Ive rechecked all the links and they havent changed either. 

Can anyone test it if they are using samsungs devices? I have Oneplus 6 and same links/shortcuts to other apps are working on it.

Under review

RPC : pass multiple values

Dieter Kraewinkels 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 2

Hi - I'm looking to pass multiple values to RPC in one call. Can we add multiple SetVelue in the JSON call ?

Alternatively (1), is it possible to send one value and split it later on ?

Alternatively (2), is it possible in a Program to us "contains" operator when evaluating a value in a IF statement ?

Thank you

Under review

Adding function as command on schedules does not change displayed name

Noel Fuentes 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1


I have noticed that adding a second (or third) function as command on a schedule, does not change the displayed name when clicking the item. You have to cancel and add it again in order to get de name updated or change it manually.

See image below.

Image 3317

Version of bOS is the latest (4.8.20).

Best regards.


RPC SetValue not working with a string variable

Gianluca Tozzi 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated 4 years ago 6

I followed the knowledge base example to change a boolean variable, and that's working.

This is the template:


{"objectName":"Devices\KNX\Light 1","valueName":"Value","value":"true"}

What if the variable is a string type?

{"objectName":"Devices\KNX\Light 1","valueName":"Value","value":"STRINGTEST"}

This command is not working.

Strange that if I try to write a value of "true" or "false" it is accepted!

Obviously the command should be different.  But I cannot find anywhere the correct sintax.

Please anyone has succeded in solving this problem?

Thank you.


Under review


Kristián Vojčík 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1


I was wondering if it possible to add geolocation functionality to ComfortClick. Many of our customer are asking about it, and can be very helpful with smart features that you already have. Please let me know.