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Push message with an alert sound

nguyen nguyen 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Alexandros Toufexis 2 years ago 3


I am needing push notification feature on my phone with sound but when I close the app, I only get 1 message but no sound.
If I'm using the app, it includes push messages with sound.
Please let me know how to solve this problem.

Thanks & Best Regards


How to connect bOS to Mitsubishi air conditioner?

nguyen nguyen 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago 2


I am concerned about how to connect bOS with Mitsubishi air conditioner, please help me on this.

What is the solution for connecting bOS to Mitsubishi air conditioners? (local air conditioning and central air conditioning)

I have found 2 solutions to connect as follows:

1. https://www.intesis.com/products/ac-interfaces/modbus-gateways/mitsubishi-electric-modbus-ac-me-ac-mbs-1?ordercode=INMBSMIT001I000

2. https://www.intesis.com/products/ac-interfaces/bacnet-gateways/mitsubishi-electric-bacnet-ac-me-ac-bac-1?ordercode=INBACMIT001I000

Do you have any comments on this?

Best Rergards

Under review

SMA cannot connect to Devices

Michiel Kenis 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Hüttl Thomas 3 years ago 11

When I want to connect my newly installed SMA Sunny Boy with the SMA integration, I get an unknown error. 

I provided the correct IP and password, but no luck there. 

When I click on "Get connected devices" I get a strange error, following a more generic error no devices are to be found. 

What am I missing here?

Image 2827


Image 2828

P.S.: I blurred some tokens, if they can be useful please let me know and I'll provide them to you.


Email notifications to multiple email addresses

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago 4


Is it possible to send email notifications to more recipients using one user profile? I have created a "Service profile" that several service technicians will have access to. Push messages can be configured so that each user (Service 1-4) receives notifications. Unfortunately, that kind of notifications come only in the case of an actively running "bOS Client" application and additionally they can be turned off from the phone menu, so the service technician may not read the service request in the push message form. The e-mail method is definitely more reliable, but I don't see the option of adding the e-mail address of each person assigned to a specific user profile.

Image 2816

Grzegorz Kulinski


Paradox Com port

DiLight-Smart Solution Ltd DiL 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago 1

Hi, is anybosy knows if we can use the COM port in the PRT interface by COM to USB? as we dont have  a COM port in the server.




Weather forecast use in login

Kristián Vojčík 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago 1

Hello. I am trying to find way to use forecast data for irrigation logic but other than on visual seeing it I can not find way to use it in Program logic. Is there way to do that or it is possible to add it to next update maybe? Thanks.

Under review

tesla powerwall 2

Mecat SAS 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Fabien Fuster 6 years ago 3


I need to connect into bos two inverter solaredge and a tesla powerwall 2 unit.  No matter with solaredge, any suggestion for the tesla unit?



Solar inverter lós tal 10.0

António Manuel Carvalho 6 years ago in Devices / Other 0

Anyone no how connect a solar inverter kostal with confortclick?

It have a rs485 port but no communication with confortclick. 

Can anyone help


Under review

New RPC in v4.5.0

Maarten Van Parijs 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Brent Broge 6 years ago 2


I've upgraded to bOS v4.5.0 and noticed the old way for RPC doesn't work any more.

The change log of v4.5.0 says there is a new RPC with authentication but cant find any manual about it.

Any body know's how this new RPC works?

More then half of my installation works by the RPC interface and currently nothing works and need to downgrade back to V4.4.4

Under review

Google Home

Jef Wijns 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Jose Benavente 6 years ago 17

I can not connect comfortclick to google home? 

IWhen I add a comfortclick to my google devices, it happens that the connection was not successful.

How can I solve this?
What is this about?

With best regards