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Programs Values Changed by User from bOS Client

@Nea Smyrni 3 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 3 years ago 9


Image 2839

I have create some programs that will send values for dimming during time. I have created 4 different programs with 4 different time and different values for dimming. I want this to make this visible to the user so he can change the time and the sending value as he wish. How I am going to create this so everytime he will be able to chane the time and the sending value?

Thank you in advance

Under review

Z-wave aeotec wallmote sleeping and parameter issues

Christiaens Filip 3 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 3 years ago 2

I was able to discover and include the device. 

In the overview of z-wave devices it says the device is 'Sleeping' and listening flag is off.

However I can intercept key attributes in the central scene, so he's listening.

But the values of 'Switch' and 'Multilevel Switch' never change.

I also want to remove the beeping when touching the device. This is done by setting parameter number 1 to value 0 instead of 1. 

Getting parameter number 1 does nothing and setting gives the error 'index was outside the bounds of the array'.


KNXIP tunneling error

Bidao Sistemas 3 years ago in Devices / KNX 0


trying to connect to knx system to program devices, I have this error:

"The connection to the KnxIpTunneling: RED - ***.***.***.***:3671 bus of line 1.7 New line could not be established.
The interface is not reachable."

any idea what could be wrong with the bOS setup?? thanks in advance.

details for the error are:

Knx.Bus.Common.Exceptions.ConnectorException: No ConnectResponse received
en ail.a(ConnectorMode A_0, ag2 A_1, CancellationToken A_2)
en ail.d.c(CancellationToken A_0)
en af9.c.c()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
en System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
en af9.a(ag2 A_0, Action`1 A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.a(ConnectionTypes A_0, ConnectorMode A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.hj(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0, Boolean& A_1)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.q()
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorParameters A_0)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__0(FalconOpenParameters openParams)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.CallFalconMethodWithOpenParametersAndRetryWithMacIfPossible(Action`1 action, FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.GetLocalSettings(FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckForShowInterfaceSettings(Project project, KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, ConnectionContainer container)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckLocalInterfaceSettings(KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, Device device)


Calculation - to the power of...

Dejan Recek 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated 3 years ago 2

I have a problem calculating correct value from Modbus registers of my device where decimal places are implemented by scale factor which is the power of 10. 

EG: if actual DC voltage is 50.45V the DC voltage register reads 5045 and DC voltage scale factor register is -2 which translates to 5045*10E-2=50.45
Unfortunatelly the scale factor keeps changing in regard to actual value so fixed scale factor is not an option.

A "dirty" workaround is with a program activated on change of either register values and then calculating via if-then method but it is inefficient and clumsy could be a source of error if program is interrupted.

Is there any other way to do exponentiation in a calculation like i.e.: number ^ exponent = ...

Under review

SMA cannot connect to Devices

Michiel Kenis 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Hüttl Thomas 2 years ago 11

When I want to connect my newly installed SMA Sunny Boy with the SMA integration, I get an unknown error. 

I provided the correct IP and password, but no luck there. 

When I click on "Get connected devices" I get a strange error, following a more generic error no devices are to be found. 

What am I missing here?

Image 2827


Image 2828

P.S.: I blurred some tokens, if they can be useful please let me know and I'll provide them to you.

Under review

beta 4.7.27 controller change to indicator on manual style

Sebastien Clivaz 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1


I try the beta 4.7.27 and in my visualization the controls that are configured in manual style become indicators and no actions are possible.

I must open the field template and close it for that working and appear on control style.


Email notifications to multiple email addresses

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago 4


Is it possible to send email notifications to more recipients using one user profile? I have created a "Service profile" that several service technicians will have access to. Push messages can be configured so that each user (Service 1-4) receives notifications. Unfortunately, that kind of notifications come only in the case of an actively running "bOS Client" application and additionally they can be turned off from the phone menu, so the service technician may not read the service request in the push message form. The e-mail method is definitely more reliable, but I don't see the option of adding the e-mail address of each person assigned to a specific user profile.

Image 2816

Grzegorz Kulinski


HTTP device - command using headers not working

Calin Birtocean 4 years ago in Devices / Http updated 4 years ago 1


I have been using the http device connecting to an API. 

All the commands GET/POST work properly as long as there is no header used.

For the commands GET/POST where header is required it stopped working and there is no value returned for the Response Data.

The parsing is UTF8 for encoding and JSON for type.

Trying to log and monitor, there is only the RunFunction but no ResponseData or StatusCode for the commands having the headers. 

Thank you,



BACnet IP - problem with displaying variables

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated 4 years ago 4


I installed the latest Configurator in beta 4.7.25 and I have a problem with displaying variables on some objects. Analog variables are correctly displayed on objects with Control Type set as "Label". But when I connect analog variable to, for example, object with Control Type set as "UpDownSetter", a random value is displayed ("Setpoint temperature" button should display the value "13", but is display "18" despite the fact that the logger records value "13" all the time).
Binary variables are correctly written and displayed by the Logger, but a bit object with Control Type set to "Label" still displayed value "0".

Image 2805

Image 2806

A similar visualization in another building (server in beta 4.7.20) works correctly.

Has anyone noticed this problem?


Under review

Room Thermostat KNX

@Nea Smyrni 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Fabien Fuster 4 years ago 11

Hi to everyone I am trying to make a room KNX thermostat visualization by using bOS. What I need to do is to control a fancoil and an underfloor heating /cooling valve as main system . First I want to have On/Off for the system. Second I need to turn the fan coil fans speed to automatic , and to manual mode if needed. Also If the the fan mode is to manual I want to control this in steps like fan 1 , fan 2, and fan 3 and back again to 0. Another thing I want to see every time the room's temperature. Also I want of course to change the setpoint of the room thermostat. From the visualization program I want to have Heating / Cooling to be changed (I noticed when I am changing the status from ETS from Cooling to heating mode the icon is changing the opposite I don't know why is this happening). I forgot to mentioned that when the setpoint is changing I want also the setpointing temperature changes to appear of course in the visualization program. Also I want o have the valve of the underfloor heating/cooling to be turn On or Off when the appropriate temperature is set (and see the status of course ) . Last but not least is the 3 modes I Comfort , Away , Night that I want to insert it to the visualization program.  I tried to insert at the beginning  the Room's temperature and it doesn't show me the correct number. Should I have to change it to another format or sometthing?

Image 2798