Z-wave Schlage Connect door lock BE469ZP
I am seeking some help on including the z-wave door lock.
I have followed these instructions:
- Exclude your lock from your hub. The lock might have partially pair to the hub. Doing an exclusion will help the lock forget that it is paired, so an inclusion can be successful.
- Factory reset your lock. This step will delete any programming, so you will have to add codes back to the lock
- Move the lock closer to the hub. When pairing, the ideal distance is 6ft or less. You can remove the lock away from the door to pair if you can't relocate the hub. Then reinstall after pairing is complete.
- Pair your lock to your hub. This step is best to be preformed with your Z-wave hub's customer service. They might have additional steps if this is a master node system.
However, in doesn't get fully included. The node is partially included and a red led instead of a green led is flashing on the lock at the end of inclusion. A green led flashing would indicate a successfully added process.
Some instructions refer to DSK Code https://instructions.allegion.com/instr/86/3549 and I was wondering if bOS is looking for this code in order to fully include the node.
Is there also a possibility also that the z-wave driver for bOS has to be updated to include this device in the catalog?
Thank you,
Customer support service by UserEcho
current version of bOS does not support z-wave secure, which means the device isn't 100% included.
When included into bOS, check if you get at least Basic node inluded in.
Using this Basic node, you will be able to lock/unlock the door, but note that full inclusion isn't possible and the lock won't be as secure as it can be.
Best regards,
Thank you for your response.
I totally understand that bOS doesn't support z-wave secure.
I am looking to get at least the open/close door lock status and maybe the close command if possible. I am not interested for the open command.
Unfortunately there is no change in status when the door lock is open or closed after inclusion. I cannot even associate it to the Controller, there are no groups available in the pop-up window.
Do you have any tips on what goes wrong through the inclusion process and what can be done to get it associated to the Controller and have the basic state values.
Thank you,
This is some old issue of bOS. See this topic regarding a similar issue with another type of a door lock.
I am still keeping the lock communicating with an external z-wave hub (Fibaro) but even in this way some times the lock status is not updated properly. I would dare to say that z-wave is not the strength of bOS but it compensates on other parts. Bottom line, my recommendation is to use an external z-wave hub to connect your z-wave (you can definitely find a cheaper one than Fibaro).
Hello Laurentiu,
Thank you for the recommendation on using an external hub.
Currently I am using the Colibri z-wave as well and the majority of the devices connected are z-wave. The expectation would be to have them all connected to Colibri and avoid using another gateway or hub which requires maintenance and could be another point of failure.
Have there been any improvements for the z-wave secure? To be able to include the z-wave device in bOS at least with the Basic node and avoid using external hub?
Hello Calin,
z-wave secure will be added with our new z-wave driver, which we plan to rework completely. For now there is no ETA on the release date.
Best regards.