publish any update on subtree over http
Is there possibility to set the notification stream of changes happening on particular subtree in Devices tree?
The use case I got is integration with Apple HomeKit using homebridge software. Basically homebridge is using REST API of bOS to control devices, but the feedback it is getting is made using the poll-behavior: it continuously request bOS to refresh the status of each device. Would be much more effective if the bOS could push the notification over HTTP to homebridge on any change. I potentially could make a HTTP device which will be triggered on change, but this is like lots of configuration to be done as each state has to be added separately.
Wysyłanie do Alexy komendy stacji radiowej
Jak w temacie szukam rozwiązania jakie oferuje mi OpenHab tzn wysyłania komand do Alexa np w OH mam zdefionowany item Echo_Living_Room_RadioStationId
i wysyłam ID
dla eski to:
do ktoś pomoże aby integracja z Alexa była dwukierunkowa?
Zapewne to się da wykonać po przez narzędzie HTTP albo aby support Comfortclick się zajmie rozwojem bo jak narazie to dużo braków jest w projekcie.
Termostat PID
Wtam, jak ustawiacie parametry PID dla ustawienia z ogrzewania podłodowego bo zauważyłem nieprawidłowość:
przy zadaniu temp np 23stC a temp otoczenia wynosi 22,7stC zadana wartość wynosi 12% w ciągu dnia watość się nie zmienia jeśli temperatura się nie zmieniają, a ostatecznie PID jest dążenie do wartości zadanej wiec po czasie wartosć zaworu powiina się zwiększać aby dogrzać pomieszczenie a tu wartość jak była na sztywno ustawiona wg różnicy temperatur.
czy ktoś mi powie, która pozycja to czas pracy siłonika bo jak zawór wysterowuje wartość 12 to czas jest za którki aby siłownik zdążył się podnieść.
przebudowa sieci
Witam, jak zrobić przebudowę sieci z-wave aby inne sensory obrały inną drogę komunikacji przez repitery
user code command class not available
I added a zipato rfid keypad to colibri. I can't find a setting for using USER_CODE_SET command.
the device is:
Can you give me a solution?
Connect comfortclick ETS5
Hi all,
I'm facing some issues with downloading my components with ETS5 and generate the ETS export file to import afterwards in bOS.
In bOS the Jigsaw KNX is std. CCJigsaw 0.0.1.
When I try to connect in ETS5 with CCJigsaw to Individual Address 0.0.1 for downloading my components I get the error: "The individual address is already in use by another device."
I was not able to add the Comfortclick in my topology.
Someone who can assist my with this?
Should I connect with USB directly to the module instead of connecting over wifi?
reading operating time from dali gateway
Hi there,
I'm trying something simple but seem to miss something.
I wan't to read the operating time from the ECG's in the dali gateway.
I gave the operating time there own knx adres but I can't read the values in bos ??
Hue motion sensor supported
Are Hue motions sensors supported within the HUE integration?
I'm looking to detect a motion trigger and control my non-HUE lights with a Program-integration.
Is this possible?
How to get LSB from 16bit unsigned value?
I'm wondering if there is a better way - Komfovent AHU sends its time and date values in 8x2int where MSB is hour value and LSB is the minute value.
I couldnt get the correct values with the options bOS has, so i turned to math... but i feel like the programs i made may be incorrect.
First i divided the 16bit unsigned value with 256 to get the MSB first. Then i basically subtracted the MSB value i got from the MSB Int value and multiply that again with 256.
As i need to make a visu for the scheduler then it feels like a lot of trouble separating the values. Any better solutions?
Best regards,
UPS not recognised
UPSs in general do not seem to be recognised by bOS. Below some screenshots of very standard UPS devices (e.g. Eaton) connected to the very same PC running bOS (4.7) and WIN10
Even when I force the PC to run on batteries with the UPS, bOS does not recognise it. I have also tried to use the UPS generic but it will not work because the UPS comm system with the PC is through USB. Virtual COM ports do not work either as such is avoided in WIN10 for not truly COM serialised communication.
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