Z-wave Schlage Connect door lock BE469ZP
I am seeking some help on including the z-wave door lock.
I have followed these instructions:
- Exclude your lock from your hub. The lock might have partially pair to the hub. Doing an exclusion will help the lock forget that it is paired, so an inclusion can be successful.
- Factory reset your lock. This step will delete any programming, so you will have to add codes back to the lock
- Move the lock closer to the hub. When pairing, the ideal distance is 6ft or less. You can remove the lock away from the door to pair if you can't relocate the hub. Then reinstall after pairing is complete.
- Pair your lock to your hub. This step is best to be preformed with your Z-wave hub's customer service. They might have additional steps if this is a master node system.
However, in doesn't get fully included. The node is partially included and a red led instead of a green led is flashing on the lock at the end of inclusion. A green led flashing would indicate a successfully added process.
Some instructions refer to DSK Code https://instructions.allegion.com/instr/86/3549 and I was wondering if bOS is looking for this code in order to fully include the node.
Is there also a possibility also that the z-wave driver for bOS has to be updated to include this device in the catalog?
Thank you,

Everspring SP816
I would like to use an Everspring SP816 outdoor motion detector.
I can include it into the Z-Wave network, but then status remains "NotConfigured" and nothing is working - can't even get the battery status. Is it not supported ?
I'm also getting an error message when looking at parameters :
« La référence d’objet n’est pas définie à une instance d’un objet »
Sorry, it's French, but even in French it doesn't make much sense to me :-(
If you don't support this device, what OUTDOOR motion detector do you support ?

can't get Z wave thermostat fan speed control
i have MCOHOME zwave thermostat, and i have 2 different models i try to add it in BOS after adding i didn't get fan speed control except on that others are ok.
please help.

przebudowa sieci
Witam, jak zrobić przebudowę sieci z-wave aby inne sensory obrały inną drogę komunikacji przez repitery

user code command class not available
I added a zipato rfid keypad to colibri. I can't find a setting for using USER_CODE_SET command.
the device is: http://manuals-backend.z-wave.info/make.php?lang=en&sku=ZIPERFID
Can you give me a solution?

Central Scene support - Fibaro Button
I have a Fibaro Button which uses the Z-Wave command class Central Scene function to report one or more button presses. I have included the device and associated with the controller node successfully. Central Scene provides a KeyAttributes value which changes in response to multiple button presses. However, I have not been able to find a simple way to use the value - it does not appear in the usual dialogues for using a value, presumably because it is not a boolean, integer or double and there are no templates and I can't create one. My workaround is a program task which triggers on any change of the KeyAttributes value - I then have to use an "if" statement for each possible attribute value to set an integer variable. This seems to be a really complex way to be able to use the value - is there a better solution? I also have the same issues with the BOsEnum type which also lacks templates and value support etc.
Configuration Jigsaw, latest BOs, Aeotec USB Gen5

Z-wave aeotec wallmote sleeping and parameter issues
I was able to discover and include the device.
In the overview of z-wave devices it says the device is 'Sleeping' and listening flag is off.
However I can intercept key attributes in the central scene, so he's listening.
But the values of 'Switch' and 'Multilevel Switch' never change.
I also want to remove the beeping when touching the device. This is done by setting parameter number 1 to value 0 instead of 1.
Getting parameter number 1 does nothing and setting gives the error 'index was outside the bounds of the array'.

Problem with Z-Wave association to Fibaro 2 relays switch
I'm running bOS 4.7 on Jigsaw KNX with a Z-Stick.
I have many Fibaro modules in my set-up, including a Fibaro fgd-211 dimmer, and a Fibaro fgs-221 2 relays switch.
Group 2 of the dimmer is connected to a second switch, and can be used to control other devices thanks to group association.
I want dimmer Group 2 to control group 1 of the fgs-221.
When I set-up the association, I did find the fgs-221 node, but I didn't find each of the relays. So, I associated dimmer group 2 to fgs-221 node. And it did work : I can now control relay 1 with dimmer switch 2.
However, I'm now having the following error message on bOS when I click on Associations : "La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet" which would translate approximatively as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And I cannot view / modify associations anymore.

bug on z-wave associations screen
I upgraded to
Since this upgrade, the Associations screen is not working anymore : when displayed, it's a completely blank screen : the existing associations are not displayed, and the usual buttons and tabs to manage associations even don't appear. It's a blank screen with only a border.
This is a big problem as I cannot handle associations anymore. Any workaround about this ? Or quick fix ?

Z-wave device connected through FIBARO
I have a YALE lock YDM3168 connected to bOS Colibri through FIBARO HC3. I have made some programs and I am able to control it and to read its position. The problem is that from time to time the HC3 seems to lose its connection with COLIBRI even if they are in the same LAN all the time and there are no any interruptions in the network. I don't know if the problem is caused by COLIBRI or by HC3 itself. By disabling and enabling back the FIBARO gateway in the configurator it comes back online.
Unfortunately I cannot yet connect the door lock directly to COLIBRI because of the Z-WAVE driver limitations so I am looking for a possibility to revive the connection between HC3 and COLIBRI from time to time. Something like keep alive. Anyone has any ideas?
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