Under review

bug on z-wave associations screen

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 3 years ago 3


I upgraded to 

Since this upgrade, the Associations screen is not working anymore : when displayed, it's a completely blank screen : the existing associations are not displayed, and the usual buttons and tabs to manage associations even don't appear. It's a blank screen with only a border. 

This is a big problem as I cannot handle associations anymore. Any workaround about this ? Or quick fix ? 



I meant I upgraded to V4.7.0

Under review


which device are you integrating into bOS? When selecting the device and looking trough the Info of the device, do you see Status = Ready? Once ready, all association groups will be visible.

You can also try going to functions and using Refresh Configuration function (try waking the device as well)

Best regards. 


Sorry for my late answer, I didn't see your message. 

Yes, Refresh Configuration fixed the issue. Thank you very much for your help. 
