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Help on getting data from http response

Dave De Busschere 4 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago 57

I'm  trying to get data from the respnonse "actualvolume" 

I've been exploring the forum here but i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Parse type: Jhson

I get this response:


Image 2282

Image 2283

Image 2284

Image 2288

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HTTP device not working?

Noel Fuentes 4 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Fabien Fuster 4 years ago 23


I've recently updated to version 4.6.17 and http devices with authentication stopped working since then. Funny thing is the http devices with no authentication keep working fine.

I use http devices with authentication to activate Mobotix cameras recordings and it doesn't work since the update. The "Response data" value is empty and no error is showed in the log window. If I use a program task to do the http request, a "no authorised" error messages shows in the log window, even though I'm sure the user and password are correct.

On the other hand, I use http devices to do a couple of tasks with Sonos and it's still working fine.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards


API string editor

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Fabien Fuster 5 years ago 5


I need to change the date on a API command. But the command will not work when there is '%X' in the string. Is there a better way to change the date value?

Its made for Entso-E day ahead prices, but their API does not support just one value for date, it needs to have a start date and end date. So i made this as shown in the picture. it gives the current date and calculates  +1 day and inputs it as the end day. But it failed to get responses like that. 

Image 2104

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HTTP POST no response

Sebastian Salmhofer 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1


I am trying to integrate a Grünbeck Softliq SC18 water softener using HTTP POST, but for some reason I can't get the response values back.

bOS sends the POST command correctly and the response is what I would expect from what I can see in the packet capture. The problem is apparently bOS doesn't like the response and doesn't store it. There are also errors in the log, but I don't know what they mean.

What am I doing wrong?



packetcapture (3).cap

Log Devices.txt

Goodwe Solar power API/Modbus

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Cablea 2 years ago 6


Has anyone messed with Goodwe solar power inverters or Ezloggers Pro?

I'm trying to display solar power information in our tablets.
Goodwe uses a cloud based service for monitoring.
I found some API info from here http://euapi.sems.com.cn:82/swagger/ui/index#/ but so far I have no luck getting info from the API for my devices. There is a good chance i'm doing something wrong as i've not used API's with bOS that much.

Option 2 is to use modbus, it should be easier at least for me - i'm still waiting for modbus register table info from their support.


Tibber.com API call - help with authorization.

Joachim 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated 2 years ago 12


I'm trying to reach my electricity company through their public API.

I'm able to use the POST field in the command to get a response but a layer of authorization is required.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction on how to incorporate the authorization token in my call?

This call gives me a response (from their examples)


"query": "{ viewer { name }}"


{"data":null,"errors":[{"message":"No valid access token in request","locations":[{"line":1,"column":3}],"path":["viewer"],"extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"}}]}



Any help is appreciated

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Warning message when web browser uses HTTPS connection

Claude Pey 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1

Hi Everyone !

When I try to connect via https, the web browser shows a warning message (SITE NOT SECURE).

Is it a meaning to avoid this warning ?

That's not user friendly for the final user.

Thanks for your help.


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HTTP device stopped working

Calin Birtocean 6 years ago in Devices / Http updated 5 years ago 2


The http device stopped after few months working without any issues. Here is the debug message while trying to send the command:

Debug : 10/26/2018 19:45:41 : Devices\http : Exception : GetResponseCallbackWebException : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at BOSCommon.Drivers.BOSHttpClient.GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)System.IO.IOException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
at System.Net.TlsStream.EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.PooledStream.EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.ConnectStream.WriteHeadersCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

The encoding is UTF8 and parser type Json. 

Same command gets executed when it is launched from google chome browser from the same server where the bOS is installed.

Could you please advise what the problem should be? 




Comfortclick API to get data from other applications

Fernando Castellar 6 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago 5

Hello! I'm learning to use Http devices to send data to an API, but I need to do the opposite. I mean, I press a button in an external application, and I need it to send a command to ComfortClick. Is there any URL in comfortclick to get json data, or text data?

Thank you! 



Dev Venba 7 years ago in Devices / Http 0


We need to do an action wherein when anyone press the bell button on the video intercom, the lock relay ( in z wave ) gets triggered. Please assist !