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Fronius Symo | PV API integration

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago in Devices / Http updated by André Altjõe 2 years ago 5
Under review

Variable HTTP Header in PUT Command

Lee Douglas 8 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 4

Working on integration with the HIVE system from British Gas.

I need to send a "login" command through the API to receive a SessionID.

Which I can do easily in bOS.

I then need to pass this SessionID into each later command as a header for authorisation. As the SessionID varies every 30 minutes or so, I need to have the "SessionID" as a variable Header in later commands.

Are you able to amend Config to allow for variables in POST command headers?

(I note we can already use variables in several other places of the command, just not the header which I need).


URL is: https://api-prod.bgchprod.info:443/omnia/nodes

Command is GET.

The header I need to use is:

Content-Type: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
Accept: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
X-Omnia-Client: Hive Web Dashboard
X-Omnia-Access-Token: Irg6fxvdBrhE0xewMiGJxo4

Where the final highlighted section varies every 30 minutes.


shelly 3 TRV valve Bluetooth gateway

bruynseels 5 months ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 5 months ago 1


I've bought a new TRV (Thermal Valve) with Bluetooth adapter from Shelly. I was from the understanding that implementation was simple, because I already used the Shelly 1 Plug 1 devices.

Can anyone help me on the way with the new Gen3 protocol. I just want to use the devices locally, so no connection to cloud needed.

Thanks in advance.


Character errors returned in Response data

Bao Tran 10 months ago in Devices / Http 0


When I use "Accept-Encoding: gzip" in Header, the returned data is error.


Image 4899


Image 4900

Can you help please


Under review

The sensibo integration is not allways working

Joaquim Matos 11 months ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 8 months ago 7

The integration using the available HTTP example no longer works properly and the following happens:

- every two minutes the connection is established

- Lasts about 30s and turns off again

- I can't find any parameter with these values in the configuration

- during the 30s I can give commands, for example on/off, but after that it's not possible, although sometimes I can (it's random).

- The response message is "ok" when the connection is achieved and "TooManyRequests" when there is no connection.

Can you help please


Shelly Cloud Connetion Error

Francisco Oliveira 12 months ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 12 months ago 3

Trying to connect to shelly cloud and can't understand what i'm making wrong.

with curl i'm using :

curl -X POST https://shelly-24-eu.Shelly.cloud/device/status -d "auth_key=XPTO&id=c45bbe6a3221"

and i got the json answer.

How can i program it in comfortclick?


command HTTP GET

marco 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated 1 year ago 7
Good morning, 
I have an NVR video recorder that can send HTTP GET commands. I would like to send commands 
to Comfortclick to turn on devices based on camera detection.
the commands that NVR can send are of the type:
http://ip address:port/saia-irc/alarm_send?open_door

where open_door I added it

However, I cannot connect it with Comforclick, via RPC

Can anyone help me?

A thousand thanks

Http digest authentication

Valentin Popa 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 year ago 3

I try to connect to Hikvision doorbell using http and authentication is Digest Auth. I connect successfully from Postman but not using http from confortclick. Any idea if http suport digest auth and how to do it?  


Home Connect API for kitchen appliances

Grundnig Vassilios 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 year ago 1


I am trying to integrate Home Connect API to my client's visualization so I can control some kitcen appliances. I have registered to Developers Program (so I can use Home Connect API) but I stuck in the first steps, more specifically in "Step 3: Retrieve Token" (authorization). I am pretty new to API integration but of course i have watched all of Comfort Click's tutorials. For now I am using the simulation mode that Home connect provides. Here is the link https://api-docs.home-connect.com/quickstart/ .Any help appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Under review

Hikvision AX PRO integration

Dávid Kirchhofer 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago 11


I would like to know if there is any possibility to integrate the Hikvision AX Pro system into the CC controller? First of all, the system states would be important, but if the sensor states could also be integrated, that would be the real thing.
