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ip relay

patrick 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated 1 year ago 2


I would like to control a Web Relay (Controlbyweb) from Jigsaw.
which device should I use?
relay ip address:
login: admin
pw : password
on command:
off command:

Thanks for your help


Somfy API Integration

Ernesto Fantuzzi 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated by Fabien Fuster 1 year ago 1

Hi to all,

I need help to use HTTP to setup API Integration for Somfy.

Any suggestion? i always get Unauthorized

I'm trying to use this guide: Somfy API Developers but without success.


Not able to connect to http API

Joachim 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated 2 years ago 11


I'm trying to fetch energy prices from a public available API with a JSON array.

The data I'm trying to get can be found in this link:

GET https://www.hvakosterstrommen.no/api/v1/prices/2022/10-02_NO5.json

I have tried to play around with the url with different parts in the http settings and in the command settings. Anyone able to make this work?

Image 4113



Giordano Olmi 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 2 years ago 5

Good morning,

I should send an API notification to a Mobotix camera and ask you for help

I have to send this TCP string§ion=settings&armcond_ac1_source=disable

I used the HTTP connector and I am connected with the camera.

I don't understand how I have to set the Comand object


Integration CC+Doorbird. How to open door?

Alessandro Azzolini 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 2

Hello, I'm would like to open door via DoorBird from BOS client

I imported DoorBird library example

Camera integration works fine

Relay 1 on Device Control (with same IP configuration) is not working

Any idea?

Many thanks in advance


Image 4035


Image 4034


Scada view

Eloy Larrañaga 2 years ago in Devices / Http 0

I need to link a scada visualization of another server with a frame of comfortclick. The example is a Logic machine visualization. I enter this link (http://user:password@ but it doesn´t works. Are there another way?


Ping to other IPs

Giordano Olmi 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 1


I have a client who asks me about the possibility of being able to PING with the bOS system on an external IP to get a signal if the external IP interface is not responding.

Can we manage this functionality with bOS?

Can we send an http string to be able to perform this function?

Can you send me an example?

Best regards

Giordano Olmi


HTTP read energy prices from homepage

Tanel Matsi 2 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 2 years ago 12

Since the energy prices have gone up I would like to import energy prices to bOS so I could make some desicions according to energy prices. I have read the manual about http driver but I am not a http and api expert and I am not able to understand the manual. Has anybody done such a thing and could explane or share demo how to read values from homepage or api. I understand that reading is different in different pages but maybe with some example I would understand the idea how to GET value to bOS.

Under review

HTTP device reestablishing of connection.

Artem Kuteynikov 3 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Michal Kowalczyk 2 years ago 3


could you describe behaviour of http driver in case of "sleeping" device (when device sleeps most of the time)?

What are conditions when "connected" status is changing from false to true? Does it ping device on certain IP-address after "connected" turns to false?

If so, what is the period of ping?



Request with parameters Unix timestamp and HMAC SHA-256 value on http driver get command for weatherlink

Dimitrios Margaronis 3 years ago in Devices / Http 0

Is there a possibility to include parameters like UNIX timestamp and HMAC SHA-256 computed values on a get HTTP request?

I am trying to connect weatherlink api v2 https://weatherlink.github.io/v2-api/ which in https://weatherlink.github.io/v2-api/tutorial describes the need of timestamps and hashed strings on the call.

Thanks in advance