Under review

Weather forecast

Dávid Kirchhofer 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 1 year ago 1


Someone can get me instructions or an example how to set up weather forecast based on openweather or any other method?

I'm a little begginer about the bos, and this (https://www.comfortclick.com/BOS/KnowledgeBase/Weather) example cant get me on.

Thank you!

Regards, David

Under review

Hello David,

Simply open the bOS configurator, go to General/Web and add weather node in. Under Configure location, type in your current location (city, town, street) and click OK. Location should be added in.

Then you can simply drag and drop the Weather node into your visualization and you should have weather info available.

For full weather info, select the weather node in the Theme in the configurator and change the Weather Display option to Full.

Hope this helps!

Best regards.