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JLPinto 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1
How can i delete all data from a counterlog?
ComfortClick Support 9 years ago
To delete all data from counter log you have to log in to bOS Configurator. On desired counter log select tab Functions and click on the three dot button DeleteAllData().


New re-encoding IPCamera update

Thomas Curtis 9 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1

I am curious as to what the new server side recoding is going to be supporting in regards to the view ability on devices.

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago

New server side re-encoding improves security (no separate opened ports for camera anymore) and live stream on several devices (no need for separate applications or plugins on client devices).


fibaro FGMS installation

Andy Gill 9 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by Jure Lahajnar 9 years ago 12

Hi There, I'm trying to connect a Fibaro multi sensor, I am able to see it ZWAVE tree after including but cannot get any readings or status from it? and I am unable to a associate in the configuration menu.

Any ideas.



bOS phone streaming

Christiaens Filip 9 years ago in General updated 9 years ago 5


I like the bOS phone app because it is simple and only intended to serve as a doorphone.

I think I have set up everything correctly. When I make a call to my doorphone, audio and video using MJPEG work fine. Also from comfortclick I can stream MJPEG to every device.

However when the doorphone calls bOS phone on my android phone, only audio is available. The sip user shown on top is the same as when I make the call (with video) to the doorphone (100 comfirmed). Doorphone is registered as '100' in asterisk server.

Any ideas?


Z-wave stick Connection problem (Aeotec Z-Stick)

Fred Hartman 9 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 23


Weekly I'm facing troubles with my Z-wave Stick, stick is dis- & connecting continuously.
I've tried to understand why it's happening, but couldn't find a good lead.
Are you familiar with this problem?

Suddenly it's stopping and everything is working fine without any problem.
Stick which I'm using is recommend type as described model(Aeotec Z-Stick) in the help file.

In my Win8 log file doesn't appear to be a problem with the stick or usb controller. I assume it's a software issue from bOS.

see attached print screen of log.

Log file

Any support is welcome.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Fred Hartman


RPC JSON service setValue of string variable does not work with text

Christiaens Filip 9 years ago in bOS Server updated 8 years ago 3


When I use the RPC JSON service to set the value of a string variable, it does not work with text like "blah blah". I can set an integer to the same variable without any problems.



Unable to connect to new Server

Marco Magnani 9 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1

I installed the last version available of BOS and imported my configuration developed with BOS 3.0.9

The problem is that now I m not able to conenct anymore to the BOS server even do I used the old username and Password used in the imported config. Previusly with teh Server 309 teh password and username were working

How can I reset teh password and username of my server?



ComfortClick Support 9 years ago


when you import configuration (.bos), all your user's passwords are reset to default (Pass). If you will still have problems contact our support team.



Upgrading from 3.0.76 to bOS 4

Brent Broge 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade but I get an error when installing. "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'BOSServerSetup.msi' in the box below.

Then I get: The older version of bOS Server cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group.

Any ideas?


Hue lighting not working properly after upgrade server version to 4.0

Fred Hartman 9 years ago in Devices / HUE updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 4

Upgrade from server version 3 to 4 was no problem, everything is working OK, except for my HUE lamps. 6 pieces in total, my predefined scenes are working, but some lamps are not changing during selecting new scene. for example, 3 lamps are working fine and 1 isn't working, after activating same scene for 4/5 times missing lamp is working as proposed.

Could you help me out with this problem?


Sun Mode not changed

Jérôme Carannante Carannante 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by JOSE FELIX GONZALEZ 11 months ago 8

Since this morning the mode is fix. The value at this time is Night.

How can I do a refresh of values?