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Interfacing with Resol VBus using Basic HTTP

Scott White 7 years ago in Devices / Http updated 7 years ago 0

I have ComfortClick interfaced to my KNX devices but I would like to also link to my Solar Controller.  The controller is a Resol Deltsol MX  http://www.resol.de/index/produktdetail/kategorie/1/id/69/sprache/en connected to the Resol DL2 Dataloger http://www.resol.de/index/produktdetail/kategorie/2/id/12/sprache/en

All Resol and compatible controllers use the VBus and their are a variety of ways to connect to it.  You can get raw VBus over TCP by telneting to port 7053 of any device on the VBus with an Ethernet interface (see here https://danielwippermann.github.io/resol-vbus/vbus-over-tcp.html) for example.  This lets you issue commands as well as read data.

Initially I am just trying to read data from the bus by using the JSON Data Download API https://danielwippermann.github.io/resol-vbus/dlx-data-download-api.html

If I connect to my device on the following URL I get a JSON formatted response


I am trying to read the temperature that is available as "value" in the following snipit

        "headersets" : [
                "timestamp" : 1506413326.784000,
                "packets" : [
                        "header_index" : 0,
                        "timestamp" : 1506413311.424000,
                        "field_values" : [
                                "field_index" : 0,
                                "raw_value" : 22.900000,
                                "value" : "22.9"

Using the basic HTTP device with the the following settings I am able to read this Temp

Image 797

Image 796

Image 798

Image 799

The JSON token name is 



Scene Sliders and gauges

Andy Gill 8 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes 0

HI Gents,

Is there any possibility of having slider type graphic for value adjustments, and a gauge graphic for readings?


play sound How do I play a sound

Andy Gill 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks 0


Could someone explain how I play a sound based on a program or an event? Ideally through a client but failing that through the server?

I would like to play a warning sound should a condition not be met when the user is changing a mode.


Under review

bOS Configurator and bOS Client do not open

VASSILIOS GRUNDNIG 2 months ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 2 months ago 4

Hello! bOS configurator and bOS client do not start in my Windows 11 laptop after an update. First I updated my office server (CC Jigsaw), then the bos configurator got updated. 

After this I tried to start the bOS Configurator and a pop-up error message displayed about the update of ".NET-desktop runtime 6.0.0". 

When I clicked the OK button on the error message the web browser opened so i can download the last update (6.0.35). After the installation the same error message kept appearing so I downloaded manually the 6.0.0 version. 

Finally, there wasn't any error message but both softwares do not start. I double-clicked on the shortcuts and  right-clicked>open but the only thing that happened was for the "busy" cursor to appear for a couple of seconds. Any ideas? 

Thank you in advance


Hikvision face terminal conectivity

Alexandru Dumbravă 2 months ago in Devices / Http updated 2 months ago 4
Hello! I have been trying for a few days to connect a hikvision facial recognition terminal
(ds-k1t341am) to comfort click using http. I would like to take over from this moment when he 
gives the command to unlock the door. for any command I used, it tells me that it is an 
unauthorized or invalid code as well as the status code. Does anyone have an idea how I could 
solve this problem? In Postman I tried to retrieve certain data, the only thing I managed to 
retrieve (using /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo) was the device data, but if I use this command in 
comfort click, it tells me that it is unauthorized. Thank you!

Under review

Help to identify the correct token

Fabien Fuster 4 months ago in Devices / Http updated 3 months ago 7

Hello Guys,

I'm getting a new device API setup, but I'm facing an issue with a token and need help to identify my mistake.

I have the following command response data: [{"accountId":"aa1111bb-cc2d-3333-e44f-55g666h7i888","genesis":true}]

I'm looking to get the account Id value, which, according to multiple JSON path finder should be under the token : [0].accountId

Image 4982

However, the value remains desperately empty :

Image 4983

Any idea about the possible issue ? 

I've already tried with [].accountId and accountId, but same result

Thanks in advance for any tip


getting time from the server

stephen andries 6 months ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 5 months ago 4

the jigsaw has the date and time. is there a way i can extract the data from the jigsaw and put it in a groupsadress, so other knx participants also get the time?

i have an MDT screen that needs a time input in order to display the time. I would like to get the time from the jigsaw


For some unknown reason, the Modbus protocol causes Values\Connected\Value: True to change to False.

Ronnie Lin 11 months ago in bOS Configurator updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 11 months ago 2

Hi Support team,

I have a project that uses many Modbus Devices (Reference #1)
My protocol settings
Driver\Enable: True
Error Handling: Reconnect
Will work normally initially
Values\Connected: Trues (Reference #2)
After a period of operation
For some unknown reason, the Modbus protocol causes Values\Connected\Value: True to change to False.
Causes Modbus Device to fail to operate
Check that the physical network device and Modbus device are not faulty
The important finding is that bOS also has no error messages
I think because there is no fault abnormal signal in bOS, the parameter setting of Reconnect has no effect.

Disposal method:
Log in to bOS Configurator
set Driver\Enable: True
change into
Driver\Enable: False
Cultivation again
Driver\Enable: True
Such operation can restore normal function operation
But when something goes wrong, the customer's on-site environment shuts down immediately.
Exclusion actions require our assistance in running the program

Need help
what is the solution
It allows me to use a program to detect Driver\Enable: True
and driver\enabled: False
Automatically re-execute
Driver\Enable: True->False->True

This problem has happened many times
And every time it happens, not all Modbus devices will have the same situation happen simultaneously.
We cannot monitor the running status of the client bOS system all the time
Whenever the customer's equipment shuts down abnormally, the customer will notify us to handle it.
Several incidents gradually raised questions among customers about the stability of our systems.
Therefore requesting assistance in providing a solution Thanks

Looking forward your reply
Best regards

Image 4791

Image 4792


Run bOS functions with Microsoft Power Automate

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated 1 year ago 1

Hello everyone,

There a bunch of times, where I'm sitting at the office in my workstation, and I need to turn on the office table light.

I could:

  1. Move my ass and reach to the office entrance, and push the KNX button
  2. Pick up the phone, open the bOS app and navigate into the office room to turn on the light
  3. Open the bOS Windows app and do exactly the same

But honestly I was looking for a quicker way to turn on/off the office light while I'm at the computer.

So I opened Microsoft Power Automate, and created two flows to work with bOS RPC API:

  • One flow to turn ON the light; And a shortcut to fire it up (CTRL+SHIFT+L)
  • One flow to turn OFF the light; And a shortcut to fire it up (CTRL+SHIFT+D)

And that's it! Now I can quickly turn on/off the office table light while I'm working, without having to open the bOS apps, by using the bOS RPC API and Microsoft Power Automate.

Lazy asses, you can thank me later :D

Best regards

Ricardo Pinto

    Under review

    RGB Color Picker - proposed improvements

    Artur S 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 1


    I have one proposition to improve the color picker addon/function. Now bOS allows us to use four separate values for RGBW channels. Additionally we have no enough possibilities to convert it to different kind of values, required by the other devices/systems. For example - KNX uses only RGB, Yeelight RGB in consolidated decimal format...

    I believe that for Comfortclick Team is it very easy and simple to add additional values, to use it alternatively to separate channels. My proposition:

    What we have now:

    R - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

    G - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

    B - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

    W - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

    What is needed:

    R - HEX 00-FF

    G - HEX 00-FF

    B - HEX 00-FF

    W - HEX 00-FF

    RGB - decimal (R*65536+G*256+B) 0-16777215

    RGB - hex 0x00-0xFFFFFF

    Do anybody need something else? What do you think about this?

    Best Regards,
