
For some unknown reason, the Modbus protocol causes Values\Connected\Value: True to change to False.

Ronnie Lin 1 year ago in bOS Configurator updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 year ago 2

Hi Support team,

I have a project that uses many Modbus Devices (Reference #1)
My protocol settings
Driver\Enable: True
Error Handling: Reconnect
Will work normally initially
Values\Connected: Trues (Reference #2)
After a period of operation
For some unknown reason, the Modbus protocol causes Values\Connected\Value: True to change to False.
Causes Modbus Device to fail to operate
Check that the physical network device and Modbus device are not faulty
The important finding is that bOS also has no error messages
I think because there is no fault abnormal signal in bOS, the parameter setting of Reconnect has no effect.

Disposal method:
Log in to bOS Configurator
set Driver\Enable: True
change into
Driver\Enable: False
Cultivation again
Driver\Enable: True
Such operation can restore normal function operation
But when something goes wrong, the customer's on-site environment shuts down immediately.
Exclusion actions require our assistance in running the program

Need help
what is the solution
It allows me to use a program to detect Driver\Enable: True
and driver\enabled: False
Automatically re-execute
Driver\Enable: True->False->True

This problem has happened many times
And every time it happens, not all Modbus devices will have the same situation happen simultaneously.
We cannot monitor the running status of the client bOS system all the time
Whenever the customer's equipment shuts down abnormally, the customer will notify us to handle it.
Several incidents gradually raised questions among customers about the stability of our systems.
Therefore requesting assistance in providing a solution Thanks

Looking forward your reply
Best regards

Image 4791

Image 4792


Have you tried to increase the Read Interval? I would do a test - set the error handling to "write to log" and set the read interval to 500ms or 1000ms. If there will be any errors then it will write it to log. If they stay connected then bOS was polling them too often.

"The important finding is that bOS also has no error messages" - If error handling is set to reconnect it will not display any error messages - it will just restart the modbus connection. This is why you should set it to Write to log, at least until you do your tests.