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Features Sonnot on bOS

nguyen nguyen 4 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago 1

Hi Ad,

I have question about Sonos device, please let me know, are the following features bOS and Sonnot device working?

Motion sensor detects that Speaker 1 plays GoGo sound ... when the door sensor opens, speaker 2 plays the sound "There is a theft".

- Announcement: At 6am, Loa 1 sends the announcement to wake up to go to school

If so, please give me a few examples to do this

Thanks & Best Regards

Under review

Controling Sonos is unreliable and limited

Peter Elvidge 4 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated 4 years ago 3

Hi,  I have been trying to get reliable control of sonos from bos for a while.  Volume and play / pause / stop / skip etc.  seem to consistently work well.  However - selecting playlists sometimes works sometimes does not - and I cant figure out any pattern.  Often I call PlayPlaylist(playlistName) and it just clears whats in the current queue - I call exactly the same command again and it loads the playlist and plays.  Also finding that I can put a radio station in favourites - I can call it via the pre-built bOS control .. but not via PlayFavourite(favouriteName). .. I have not successfully called any radio stations via URI either..   The fact that the simple controls like volume and play work so reliably suggests no connectivity issues etc.  short of installing wireshark on the grinder is there any way to see a log from bOS server to see whats happening between it and sonos and which side is messing up?   Finally.. in the inbuilt bOS sonos control you can list the playlists & favourites .. how can I access these from a value to work with them programatically?

Under review

Sonos bug

Francois Lesueur 5 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 4


The previous and next buttons are not working : nothing is happening. (If I'm using the Sonos App, I can go to previous / next track)

The Playlists and Favorites buttons are working on the Sonos predefined frame ; but when I want to use these functions on a dedicated button, it's not working : nothing is happening. 

I'm on Jigsaw KNX V4.7



Łukasz Klinger 5 years ago in Devices / Sonos 0


1. jak wysłać ścieżkę dźwiękową do sonos?

2. czy możesz przeczytać wiadomość głosową z bos na głośniku sonos? 

3. czy możesz zamienić listy utworów i radio na sonos z bos?

Under review

Sonos - picture cover not displayed

Andrzej Szymkowicz 5 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated 5 years ago 2

Picture cover is not displayed on sonos player.

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Sonos - Error message

Andrzej Szymkowicz 5 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1


Every time room page with sonos player is open or playlist/favorite is changed i received error as presented below:


Image 2426

Under review

Sonos ungroup

Dave@CKS 6 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 2

In the new BOS version (4.5.x) is it possible to group speakers.

Is it also possible to ungroup speakers?

Example: group speaker 1 + speaker 2 to group 1 and then ungroup group 1 to speaker 1 and speaker 2.

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Sonos groups not available after downgrade beta

N Muthu 6 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by Andy Gill 6 years ago 6

Sonos groups not available after downgrade beta to stable, and any chances I get that again? 

Under review

ChangeStationByUri(stationName, streamingUrl)

Giordano Olmi 6 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by Richard 6 years ago 4

Hi, I would like to use the function "ChangeStationByUri(stationName, streamingUrl)" in the sonos system

Do you have the example?

Best regards


Under review

Sonos display problem when players are grouped together

Francois Lesueur 7 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated 6 years ago 11


I have 5 Sonos players. When they play different musics, all is fine. When I group together some players, only one of the players continues to display the title and the album picture correctly. The other ones do not display picture anymore, the title is wrong (it is the title that was previously played). The track time is also incorrect. 

I often get the "Cyclical reference detected" on one of the Sonos devices, but this might not be linked to the above issue. 

Thank  you for your help,
