Under review
Sonos display problem when players are grouped together
I have 5 Sonos players. When they play different musics, all is fine. When I group together some players, only one of the players continues to display the title and the album picture correctly. The other ones do not display picture anymore, the title is wrong (it is the title that was previously played). The track time is also incorrect.
I often get the "Cyclical reference detected" on one of the Sonos devices, but this might not be linked to the above issue.
Thank you for your help,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Cyclical reference detected message is displayed when there is a loop or one of the tasks overlap each other, double check if the program or any other tasks are set correctly, make sure sonos devices don't do two different things at once with different tasks which might cause these issues you're facing.
Best regards.
Thank you for the clear explanations about cyclical reference. I've found the issue, and fixed it. So, I'm not getting the cyclical reference error message anymore.
But I'm still having the display issue when several sonos devices are grouped together : only one display correct information. The other one is wrong.
Kind regards,
Any update ?
Additional information that I've just noticed : it's not just the title and the picture that don't work anymore. It's everything : status, and commands (play, pause, etc...). Only one of the grouped SONOS players still operates correctly.
Do you know when you will be able to fix this bug ?
The Sonos implementation on bOS is a little buggy sometimes, even with just a single zone. And the problems become bigger when grouping zones.
I was told that the Sonos is being improved in the next release (bOS 5). Let's hope so...
Thank you Ricardo for your reply.
Interesting, I didn't know there was a bOS5 on the way. Do you know when this is planned for ?
Kind regards,
Hum... don't remember the specific date...
I was with the folks from Comfortclick on Light+Building in Frankfurt this year, and I saw the preview of bOS 5 there.
So hopefully, this year... But I don't know how's running the development.
Best regards
Sonos will receive some improvements in bOS 4. Probably this month.
It will also solve the group problem.
Excellent news.
May I suggest an improvement to this driver ? All objects are available to use in panels, except the cover picture. It's only available on the standard control, and it's a shame, because a cover picture is always nice looking, for example on a free positioning panel showing an entire room. Would it be possible to add this cover picture object to the list of available objects ?
Another nice improvement would be the ability to group players without going through the Sonos App - but of course that's a bit more complicated.
I'll raise an "idea" on the forum to record this suggestion
Do you have visibility as when this bug will be fixed ?