DSC IT-100 baud rate
Calin Birtocean 3 years ago
in Devices / DSC
updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 3 years ago •
Hi guys,
The default baud rate comes as 9600 for the DSC IT-100. Do you have any tips on how to change it to 19200 for virtual keypad?
Could it be done using the key pad PK5500?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I've found this on a manual. I'm not experienced with DSC, so I'm not very helpful:
The baud rate can be changed by the application by sending a Baud Rate Change (080) command. The IT-100 responds with the Baud Rate
Set (580) command to confirm the change. Recommended Baud rates are listed below.
But I'm afraid I don't know where you can do this step...
Best regards
Thanks Ricardo, that's where I got stuck. I don't know if these commands have to be initiated on the keybus side or on the RS-232 side of the IT-100 and how to be sent. I contacted DSC and they don't support IT-100 , they provide only the manual. They were supposed to check among their engineers and get back to me but no response.
I guess Comfort Click would know since they've integrated it and it's noted on their website:"NOTE: Baud rate should be set to at least 19200, when using virtual keypad. Before changing the baud rate make sure that DSC node value Connected is set to True."
Wait a second... IT-100 is a product from DSC, and they don't provide support? What the heck is going on?
On the manuals, it refers to the "IT-100 Developer's Guide", where it says what I've posted previously.
I assume, according to the documentation, that the command to change the baud rate must be sent from the ComfortClick to the unit. I believe that this can probably be done by creating a "Basic" device, and create the commands to be sent to the unit (send the 080, confirm the reply, and send the 580 command).
Best regards
I guess they have it under DSC umbrella but it seems that the API is made by others.
For Checksum I used: https://www.scadacore.com/tools/programming-calculators/online-checksum-calculator/
080 1 C9 0D 0A
I created the Basic device, as you suggested (Thank you!!!!) and sent the following command
No need for 058 command since the default setting for the Virtual Keypad Control is enabled (1)
The Virtual DSC Keypad works in bOS now :)
Thank you,
I knew you could do it.
You're right, apparently the 580 is actually just the reply back from the unit.
Best regards