Under review

IP camera won´t work with ONVIF support

Kristián 8 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 7

Hi. We have some IP camera that we use in our company security. I been trying to get it to work over few weeks now and I can not get it to work.
I find the stream that work on VLC it is : rtsp://admin:admin@
but in Jigsaw it not showing any picture.
When I try to find it throught Jigsaw ONVIF finder it can not find the camera. PS: ONVIF work on that camera.

Under review


we're working on a separate wizard for Jigsaw and ONVIF support, which you can expect in our future updates.


Hello, OK Thanks for reply.

Hello, any news on this one? I have the same issue with Axis cameras.



what's the current issue with the cameras? ONVIF on bOS received a complete rework since this last post and cameras should be working normally if they support ONVIF.

Best regards.


Yes, cameras supports ONVIF (e.g. AXIS M2026-LE Mk II) but bOS shows as ONVIF is not supported. I have followed all instruction from Axis to enable ONVIF and I also could see live stream from those cameras via the ONVIF Device Manager program.


Is there any update on this? Struggling with exact the same....

Hello Sem,

ONVIF is supported so if the camera supports it, you can use the discovery to locate the camera, fill out the login credntials and hit configure and URL's should get populated.

Best regards.