Under review

Connecting to KNX

Nathan Meinck 3 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 1

Hi I'm having trouble connecting to KNX devises. I'm using Jigsaw, created a KNX devise and set  Connection Type 'Jigsaw', enabled the devise and it says connected.

Successfully imported the ETS file, the devise 'Hall Light' says not connected.

Any guidance / pointers would be much appreciated?

Under review

Hello Nathan,

we are sorry to hear about your problem. Have you checked if the physical connection is okay, is KNX cable connected to the Jigsaw? You can also create a ticket in our ticketing system and we will schedule remote session. You can create the support ticket on our webpage https://www.comfortclick.com/SupportTickets.

Best regards