
stella z actuator

Andy Gill 8 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 12

Hi Gents,

I'm trying to get a stella Z valve actuator working, have it included in the network, but getting some random things back but no temperature and no control?

Anyone got any ideas experience with these?



I've found this data sheet, which looking at the various options and parameters means it doesnt currently work with BOS?


Comfort Click - is this device compatible?

Hi Andrew,

judging by the specs it should be compatible. What kind of random data are you getting back? Could you post your logs?

HI Jure,

Well on the last attempt I removed the device re connected and all I got was 112% on the battery element and cannot get anything else, Temp, Multilevel switch(i'm assuming is the actuator position) etc

Cant see anything in the log but I'm not sure what I'm looking for?

Sounds like there was a problem in the inclusion process. Include the device one more time but this time record the process with the log/debug. Also try requesting the battery value and set the value of the multilevel switch. Then export the log and send it on my email.


Ok I now have the temperature back again, but when i change the setpoint I get:

Devices : 11/09/2016 19:29:00 : Error : Devices\Z-Wave : Error parsing data. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ComfortClick.Zwave.Commands.ThermostatSetpoint.OnStatusReceived(ZwaveStatus zw)

And the debug log:

Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06

Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : MultilevelSwitch.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-26-02-25-EB
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-09-00-04-00-0C-03-20-03-FF-21
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Basic.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-20-02-25-ED
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-09-00-04-00-0C-03-80-03-56-28
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Battery.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-80-02-25-4D
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-0C-00-04-00-0C-06-31-05-01-22-00-E6-0C
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-07-00-13-1E-00-00-02-F7
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : SensorMultilevel.Get : 01-0A-00-13-0C-04-31-04-01-00-25-FF
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-09-00-04-00-0C-03-26-03-00-D8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : MultilevelSwitch.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-26-02-25-EB
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-08-00-04-00-0C-02-84-07-7E
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Basic.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-20-02-25-ED
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : NodeInfo : 01-09-01-41-53-9C-00-04-08-06-73
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : NodeProtocol : 01-04-00-41-0C-B6
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandClassesReceived : 01-13-00-49-84-0C-0D-04-08-06-20-26-31-40-43-77-80-84-72-86-99
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-0C-00-04-00-0C-06-31-05-01-22-00-E6-0C
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-07-00-13-1E-00-00-02-F7
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : SensorMultilevel.Get : 01-0A-00-13-0C-04-31-04-01-00-25-FF
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-09-00-04-00-0C-03-26-03-00-D8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandResponse : 01-04-01-13-01-E8
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : MultilevelSwitch.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-26-02-25-EB
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : StatusAeon : 01-08-00-04-00-0C-02-84-07-7E
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Basic.Get : 01-08-00-13-0C-02-20-02-25-ED
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : NodeInfo : 01-09-01-41-53-9C-00-04-08-06-73
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : NodeProtocol : 01-04-00-41-0C-B6
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Write : Ack : 06
Debug : 11/09/2016 19:36:25 : Devices\Z-Wave : Info : CommandClassesReceived : 01-13-00-49-84-0C-0D-04-08-06-20-26-31-40-43-77-80-84-72-86-99

Hi Jure,

I'm thinking the only issue remaining is the mode of the unit I assume I need it in mode 4 for my purpose but cant set that from BOS, by default its in mode 2, I can change the setpoint but that doesn't seem to do anything with the position of the valve:

1. Frost Protection: The temperature in the room will be regulated to about 6 °C.

2. Comfort: The temperature in the room will be regulated to a comfortable level. On factory default this is 22 °C but the value can be adjusted by the respective Z-Wave command 'Thermostat Setpoint' to a value between 0 °C and 50 °C. This mode is active on factory default.

3. Energy Saving: The temperature in the room will be regulated to a energy saving level. On factory default this is 18 °C but the value can be adjusted by the respective Z-Wave command 'Thermostat Setpoint' to a value between 0 °C and 50 °C.

4. Direct Valve Control: This mode allows the direct control of the valve as percentage value of opening using the Z-Wave command class 'Switch Multilevel'. The regulation of a temperature within the device is deactivated.

Additionally to regulating the temperature the valve control is reporting the measured temperature on request (using the command class 'Sensor Multilevel' implementing communication pattern 3). It may happen that the reported temperature will remain 0 °C for some minutes due to calibration. After the first regular wakeup the temperature value will however be correct. Switching between the four modes is accomplished using the Z-Wave command classes 'Thermostat Mode' and 'Basic'.

The following mappings apply:

Frost Protection: BASIC SET 0x01, THERMOSTAT MODE SET 0x00

Energy Saving: BASIC SET 0x00, THERMOSTAT MODE SET 0x0b


Direct Control: BASIC SET 0xfe, THERMOSTAT MODE SET 0x1f

We've noticed this error before. It should be fixed in the next release. In the mean time try reloading the configuration or re-adding the node.

Yes we're missing thermostat mode command. it'll be added in the next release. Have you tried setting mode with Basic command?

Could you explain how I would use the basic command for this?

In Basic node you should have a value Value. Enter one of the values to set the new mode. According to the documentation you should use 255(0xFF) for comfort mode or 254(0xFE) for direct control.