Under review

Modbus TCP on bOS

nguyen nguyen 3 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 5

Dear Ad,

How many external devices can be connected to a set of bOS via the Modbus TCP communication standard?

Thank & Best Regards

Under review


it depends on the hardware itself, more powerful hardware will allow you to add more Modbus, KNX or z-wave devices. You can find a recommendation list in the attachment for our servers.

Best regards.ComfortClick Servers Recommendations.pdf


I have received information from you, but I don't understand what Modbus Data Points mean?
I understand that each point is an equipment value.

Thank & Best Regards.



data points are essentially modbus slave address. Note these are not maximum numbers allowed but only recommendations.

Best regards.

Thanks for your answer, but i still want to clarify this topic further,

Is the Modbus data point a continuously retrieved value? Or does it only get data when I access the page that contains data?



modbus data is being refreshed immediately, as soon as device changes the value of the address. So feedback from the device is visible instantly. 

Same goes for the logs, any changes are saved in the logs if they're enabled.

So even if you're not accessing the client, the data is still being received and stored.

Best regards.