Under review

Z-wave device connected through FIBARO

Ghita Laurentiu 5 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 5 years ago 2


I have a YALE lock YDM3168 connected to bOS Colibri through FIBARO HC3. I have made some programs and I am able to control it and to read its position. The problem is that from time to time the HC3 seems to lose its connection with COLIBRI even if they are in the same LAN all the time and there are no any interruptions in the network. I don't know if the problem is caused by COLIBRI or by HC3 itself. By disabling and enabling back the FIBARO gateway in the configurator it comes back online.

Unfortunately I cannot yet connect the door lock directly to COLIBRI because of the Z-WAVE driver limitations so I am looking for a possibility to revive the connection between HC3 and COLIBRI from time to time. Something like keep alive. Anyone has any ideas?



Under review


additional settings and features on bOS/Fibaro are not planned at this point as it requires two way connection between us and Fibaro. The lack of interest and communication resulted on stopping the development for feature Fibaro driver upgrades that would make the communication better.

We are improving z-wave driver all together in our next bOS version however, with added encryption which Yale requires, automatic associations, parameters and much more. We're working hard on the new version, but there is no ETA on the release date at this point.

Best regards.


I would actually prefer to have the devices connected directly to bOS server instead of going through some external "helpers". Looking forward for the new release! 

