Under review

Aeotec Trisensor not visible in bOS Configurator

Alberto 5 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1

Dear all,

I'm trying to add Aeotec Trisensor to my Z Wave network but the device is not visible in bOS Configurator.

The sensor is paired with my Aeotec Stick Gen 5 but un-visible in the Comfortclick.

Any idea on how to fix it?

Under review


adding the device should work the same as the socket. To add the device into bOS, you will have to use the Inclusion button, not the Discovery button. Discovery button refreshes the devices that are already included into the dongle. Try using the inclusion button (you should see a message at the bottom (inclusion ready) and press the inclusion button according to the manual of the device. If the device does not include, try using the Exclusion button and exclude it first (it might be included in another controller)

Best regards,