Under review

IP Camera Not Streaming in bOS Client for iOS

Trimono Lda 5 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 5

I can see tre stream in Web Browser and in bOS CLiente for windows, but in iOS client it dont work

Under review


there are still some issues with streaming on iOS and we're working on fixing this issue with our next updates. For now, we recommend using snapshots for now.

Best regards,

I have the some problem, I see the cameras on the pc, but not in iOS, you know when, will be fixed?


stream on iOS are still not working. They should be working on our next version of bOS. In the meantime, we suggest using snapshots to display camera images.

Best regards.

hi, when will this work?


Hello Stefaan,

We're still working on integrating this into bOS, when it comes to Apple, it takes quite a long time to settle everything and make it work, although we get many requests, we try to push and implement this, but it takes quite a lot of time to settle everything.

Hope you will be able to use snapshots in the meantime.

Best regards, David