Configuration for blinds in bOS Configurator

Andrej Tibaut 6 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 6 years ago 4

Hello CC users,

where can I find guidelines for configuration of KNX blinds (as seen in the demo project)?

Can you be more explicit on your expectation ? Link to the demo project you refer to ?

Fabien, thanks for further question. By saying "demo project" I am referring to the demo application that I can access with my bOs Client at https://demo.comfortclick.com (User/Pass).


If you talk about passive heating or solar protectin, you can download the exemples :


if I remember well, under bOS task / Program. You will have then to correct the required nodes and it will work like a charm.


Hi Fabien,

I am not talking about the passive heating, but about configuration of blinds. But in the meantime I have found the Demo bOS project for download (https://www.comfortclick.com/Software/DetailsExamples/3) and I already loaded it in my bOS. Huh, it contains everything I need. 

Now, I have to define the correct workflow between ETS and bOS...because I have an ongoing (and changing) ETS  KNX configuration project that is being imported as an .esf file to the bOS configuration. Since the structure of the KNX tree in ETS is different from the Demo project KNX tree in bOS there is an overwrite danger.