Alexa + blinds
Noel Fuentes 6 years ago
in Devices / Other
updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago •
Since Alexa and Comfortclick are now in spanish, I've been doing some testing. It really works fine. But, what I'm missing is a "Blinds" Category in Alexa configuration in bOS. Is there a way to say "Alexa, raise/lower the blinds" (obviusly, in spanish :) ) using only one Endpoint or variable?
Thanks in advance.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I'll answer myself :)
Since there is no "Blinds" category en Alexa (thus, neither in bOS), there is no "raise/lower the blinds" command. So, the way to do it is using a percentage and an on/off and saying "turn that blind on/off" or "set the that blind at 50%". I know in spanish sounds very rare, but it's the only way to do it until Amazon adds "Blinds" category to Alexa.
Best regards.
Pues la verdad que es una pena que no exista la opcion subir/bajar en alexa. Ya no solo para persianas sino para cortinas enrollables, toldos, pantallas de cine etc...
Yo tambien he tenido que usar el on/off para hacer que se muevan pero queda bastante extraño lo de apagar una persiana para que se baje. Esperemos que pronto haya otra solucion.
He entrado para ver si alguien havia resuelto esto y veo que estais igual que yo:(. Por si os sirve me encontre con la misma problemática y la resolvi con dos variables y dos Endpoints. Uno de subir persianas y el otro de bajar persianas. De ese modo queda menos "extraño" decir "Activar Bajar Persianas" & "Activar Subir Persianas".
Usando esas variables de disparador para una rutina que en función de que variable se activa, ejecuta y a su vez vuelve a poner la variable a false.
Si alguien se le ocurre algo mejor y quiere compartirlo estaré atento.
Por otro lado la categoria de DOOR he estado trasteandolo por si podia servir pero no consigo dar con los comandos de voz asociados.
He instalado la nueva versión beta 4.35, a ver si el problema estaba resuelto... y no sólo no cambia, sino que con Google Home existe el mismo problema.
I've installed the new beta version 4.35, just in case this problem is solved.. but is just not so, even with Google Home exists the same issue.
Not related to Alexa, but it seems that blinds are now natively supported by Google Assistant. Would you love to see support for it in bOS
You're right! It's now supported by Google Assistant. I hope this Device Type will appear soon in next bOS Configurator versions!
Sigue la cosa igual con el tema de las persianas.....
Con Google Assistant ya se puede desde hace un tiempo... Desde la app de Google Asistant no puedes modificar la posición, pero sí responde perfectamente a los comandos de voz.
Un saludo,
You need to use the "Range Controller", and set your shutter like this:
With this, you can say "open" or "close", and set the percentage you'd want (for example: Alexa, set the living room shutter to 50%").
I've tested the "open" and "close" commands and it's working. In my case, "lower" and "raise" is not working as expected (found in Amazon documentation), but the "open" "close" is working.
Hope it helps.
Best regards,