We are about to implement a project on a hotel building BMS system. We have some questions as follows.

LÊ NHÂN 1 year ago in Devices / Modbus updated 1 year ago 2

We are writing to inquire about the following topics for our upcoming hotel building BMS project:

  • What type of Comfortclick device is recommended for a hotel building BMS system?
  • How many devices does Comfortclick support to connect with the Modbus TCP protocol?
  • Can 2 devices be managed remotely on the same bOS interface account at the same time?

We appreciate your assistance.



  • How many devices does Comfortclick support to connect with the Modbus TCP protocol?

All depends how big is the project. old jigsaw's recommended node count is 900 - that's all the KNX registers and modbus registers combined. So that's the minimum but it can handle more nodes as my test jigsaw hasn't blown up yet with 6k+ nodes: 

Image 4756

  • What type of Comfortclick device is recommended for a hotel building BMS system?

You can use any devices that are supported by CC. For hotel I would recommend KNX devices only. Don't waste your time with wireless devices.

  • Can 2 devices be managed remotely on the same bOS interface account at the same time?

Comfortclick does not have a device limit for bOS user accounts - so yes.

Thank you for your answer. It helps a lot for our new project.