Under review
Shelly Plus 1 Mini
I tried to use Shelly Plus 1 demo. But does not seem to work. I changed Status and Toggle Topic ID. I am able to see the status correctly at Toggle Value.
As soon as I want to control Toggle Value, then Shelly gets disconnected for some time. Then the connection comes back, I am again able to see the status, but not able to change the value.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello Tanel,
try creating another Publish node and use {your_shelly_Id}/rpc as topic. Set payload to {"id":123, "src":"user_1", "method":"Switch.Set", "params":{"id":0,"on":true}} (of course change the tweak the true, false for controlling the device)
Best regards.
Allready tried that also
Hello Tanel,
so once sending the command nothing happens? The response we get here seems that we sent the true command to turn on and response from Shelly. Didn't get any disconnect as well..
best regards.
Subscription works. I get the status values if I switch the relay from web interface. But publish command do not switch the relay on or off.
Hello Tanel,
trying same commands with orher MQTT client program and send the same commands, do they go trought and the problem is only with bOS?
You can also open a private ticket and we can schedule a quick online session and try to resolve the problem together.
Best regards.