Under review

Berker KNX BIQ switch and ''Thermostat'' Library example

Simen Hagen 3 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 3 years ago 10

Does anyone know if a change in setpoint performed with the physical switch affect the setpoint in bOS.

In other words, can you change setpoint with both? KNX physical switch and bOS? And it will sync. automatically? 

Image 3904


Under review

Hello Simen,

if you have the status address linked, then bOS will display/change everything you do on the physical device, so just make sure status address linked to the control address and everything will be synced live.

Best regards.

Hi, could you please show me which group addresses you would use for programming this? Address and status address. Also which Value type in bOS?

B.IQ technical manual.pdf

Very much appreciated


Hello Simen,

according to the image you have sent here in the post, the address 1/0/44 can be used as status value, and the address 1/0/45 can be used for setpoint value.

Best regards

Ok, thanks for your swift response. I still have some trouble with this. 

To clarify:

This is for controlling an electric heater via a ABB binary input, not a radiator, underfloorheating or split unit. In that regard, witch DPTvalue type is to be used when importing to bOS? (from .xml)

The setpoint need to be a celcius value, not percentage. 1/0/44 and 1/0/45 is both 2bytes.. I believe that 1/0/43 might be used as setpoint value...? This address (1/0/43) is linked to the output for the heater as shown below.


Hello Simen,

for temperature control 2byte Float type is being used, allowing you to control the temperature setpoint. You can also select temperature label and temperature setpoint template in bos (selecting the group address and selecting Values tab, there you see template, or set the template when importing from ETS).

Best regards.

I assume it is ''DPT2OctetFloatValue'' that can be used? When I try this an error message shows up in the BOS Client SW.


Hello Simen,

the 2Byte Float (009.000) is mostly used for temperature control. Which error do you get?

Best regards.

Value type is set to 9.001 Temperature (C) and the template is ''Temperature setpoint''

the message I get from bOS client:

Hello Simen,

there seems to be something wrong with some buttons on the panel, try to create a new panel and add the buttons back in and try again.

Best regards.

Thank you! By creating a new panel it worked to add buttons. Still working on the heater.

