Under review

Smart TV

Nathan Meinck 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by ComfortClick Support 1 year ago 7


I need to provide Smart TV options for clients. From what I understand the Samsung (new models <6 years) aren't supported and I can see there's an LG on the device list but not sure if there are also limitations on LG Models

So before making recommendations I'd like to be 100% confident which TVs and Models will work and what if any limitations there may be.


Under review

Hello Nathan,

as you saw on the smart TV section of the knowledge base Samsung TV models before 2016 should work normally and LG TV's with a WebOS 3.0 or higher.

Note that smart TV drivers we have were reverse-engineered drivers as both Samsung and LG don’t have an official API, so there may be some issues with connection and control, but at this point, there isn’t much we can do until they release an official API.

Soon we will also release support for Android TV, which is now being developed, which Will cover a larger variety of TV's and better integration with bOS.

Best regards.

OK thanks, so any new Android (Google TV) will do the job then? Just need to wait for CC to release support, any ideas on timeframe around this?

Thanks again

Hello Nethan,

we managed to integrate it to a certain point already, but still needs polishing. It will probably be released with the next bOS version. Currently no ETA.

Best regards,

Any news on integration Android TV?

Hello Valentin,

Android TV most likely won't be available in the current (BOS4) version and will be released with the next version of bOS. Currently no ETA.

Best regards.

Any Update on android tv?

Hello Matteo,

no new updates on the Android TV, as mentioned its planned for our next bOS version.

Best regards.