Lighting control logic
Hi There,
I'm having some problems understanding tasks/programs. At the moment I'm just testing things out before I install in my new house so need to get things right.
So I want to use an occupancy detector to turn on and off a light, when that light has not been turned on by a scene or switch in which case it has no effect.
What seems to be happening is that when the occupancy sensor turns on the light (which it does) the scene also changes, so the IF statement to pick up that the scene is off no longer allows the light to go off under the occupancy detection?
Could some one give me an example? hopefully it make sense but please elt me know if you need further info.

sorry for late reply. Please check our manual for Movement detector task http://www.comfortclick.com/Software/Manuals/BOSConfig?print=false#MovementDetector
For your case check for Blocked By Output function.

Thanks, does that mean if the light is also linked to the scene, i use the scene status as the Blocked by output?

That means, if the light is turn on by the scene, switch, etc., the presence detector task will not turn it off after xx minutes.

I'm getting a little frustrated, the question is do I use the scene as the blocking value?
What I don't understand is that when the movement sensor turns on the light it also changes the scene status, the light then goes off despite the fact the the scene status has changed? I'm then left with the actual light off and the BOS graphic showing the light and the scene on? and now the movement detector doesn't operate.

I'm obviously explaining this poorly I shall try again
The movement detector setup:
Enabled: True
Delay: 60
Output: Devices\Zwave\Binaryswitch\lamp.value
Blocking condition: Blocking value
Blocking Value: Tasks\Rooms\Living Room\Scene1.state
Operating Condition: None
Input Value: Devices\Z-Wave\PIR\Binary Sensor.Value
Ok If the Lamp turns on regardless of the cause this changes the Scene status? is this how it should be as I would of thought that the scene should only change if the scene is operated?
As I'm using the scene as the Blocking value it then stops the movement detector turning off the lamp.
What I want to achieve is:
I want the light in the room to automatically go on and off using the movement detector, unless a scene (Scene 1) has been selected which will mean that someone is staying in the room and therefore the lamp should be under the control of the scene. and once the scene has been turned off return again to automatic control.

Hi There,
I've still not resolved this should I put a ticket in or is this the best process?

sorry for late reply. I just tested your movement detector setup and it seems that there is a bug in Movement detector task. Blocking value is refreshed only after second command. We will fix this as soon as possible.

Yes that is one issue but not the only one, I mentioned on my earlier post about the relationship between "Scene" and "device" If I change the state of a device, it also changes the scene which it is linked too? Surely only changing the state of the scene directly should have an effect on the Scene and then the devices added to that scene? if the state of the device is changed regardless of its connection with the scene shouldn't that have no effect on the scene?

Hi Andrew,
are you using only one light in your scene? Scenes works bi-directionally, for example if you have 3 lights in the scene, and your scene setting is Light 1 ON, Light 2 OFF, Light 3 OFF, in this case when you will set the Light 1 ON and the other two lights will be off then the scene will also mark as active, thats the way scenes works. And we apologize for late reply we are attending Light and Building fair in Frankfurt so our replies could have some delay.
Thank you for understanding and best regards.

Thanks for the reply.
So to my specific question can I do the following, as the scene is going to change when the movement detector turns on the light, I can't use the scene as the blocking device?
"I want the light in the room to automatically go on and off using the movement detector, unless a scene (Scene 1) has been selected which will mean that someone is staying in the room and therefore the lamp should be under the control of the scene. and once the scene has been turned off return again to automatic control"

No in that case you can't use scene as blocking device. You can use Blocking condition "Blocked by output". That means, when light will be turned on by switch or by scene, Movement detector wont turn it off.
Customer support service by UserEcho
sorry for late reply. I just tested your movement detector setup and it seems that there is a bug in Movement detector task. Blocking value is refreshed only after second command. We will fix this as soon as possible.