
parameters in run program

Christiaens Filip 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 5

Is there a way to pass parameters via the callFunction with a JSON object to use in a program?

Now only the function Run and Abort without parameters exist.



Yes it is possible using Http Request function in program task. Please check the manual http://www.comfortclick.com/Software/Manuals/BOSConfig?print=false#Program


OK, thanks

Satisfaction mark by Christiaens Filip 9 years ago

Yes it is possible using Http Request function in program task. Please check the manual http://www.comfortclick.com/Software/Manuals/BOSConfig?print=false#Program

I'm sorry, I meant calling the other way around:

Calling the RPC JSON service in comfortclick with operation callFunction.

I want tasker from Android to pass a parameter to comfortclick.

You can pass parameters via RPC to some variable and then use that variable in program task.

I thought maybe to use RPC SetValue of a string variable (in CC) and then trigger a program when the variable changed.

But this didn't work. See post http://support.comfortclick.com/topic/1098362-rpc-json-service-setvalue-of-string-variable-does-not-work-with-text/

Yes, I saw that, we will check and fix it as soon as possible. Meanwhile you can try the same thing with integer or Boolean variable.